
Chapter 2: Cultural Diversity

What is the right way to eat a hot dog? If you are from New York, you might top your hot dog with spicy brown mustard and onions or sauerkraut. If you are from Chicago, you might top your hot dog with sweet onions, pickle spears, tomato, relish, and hot peppers. If you are from Houston, you might top your hot dog with chili, cheese, and jalapenos. Reading this list, you might think some of these sound good or maybe you wouldn’t eat any of these toppings on your hot dogs.

In this chapter, you will learn about cultural diversity. We will discuss how culture impacts our values, beliefs, behaviors (even our hot dog topping preferences), and how diversity of culture influences our workplace. This will provide you with useful tools to engage with others in your personal and professional life who may be different from you.


You can open the pdf version of the Chapter 2 reading if you want to view it in a book page format or want to print out a physical copy to read: Chapter 2 – Cultural Diversity


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