Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen was the German engineer and physicist credited with the discovery of X-ray in 1895. Rontgen’s discovery is one of the greatest scientific discoveries leading to diagnostic advances in the medical industry and later in the field of non-destructive testing. Rontgen generated the first medical X-ray image of his wife’s hand pictured below:

The following are links to articles and videos providing detailed information about Roentgen – the German engineer & Physicist credited with the discovery of X-ray in 1895.
- The Life of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (article from the American Journal of Roentgenology)
- Nov. 8, 1895: Roentgen Stumbles Upon X-Rays (article from Wired Magazine).
- Roentgen video biography (from CloudBiography’s Youtube channel):
- Another Roentgen video biography (from Quantum Laser Pointers’ Youtube channel)