
Radiation Safety Review Worksheet

You have a 60 ci source of IR-192 at a distance of 30.48 cm. (IR-192 = 5.2R/hr/ci @1 foot)

1. What is the radiation value of 60 ci of IR-192 at one-foot distance?

2. What is the radiation value at one meter?

3. What is the safe working radiation dose in mR?

4. What is the safe working radiation dose in R?

5. What is the safe public radiation dose in mR?


6. What would the calculated radiation emissivity be at 2 feet?


7. What would the calculated radiation emissivity be at 50 feet?


8. What would the calculated radiation emissivity be at 75 feet?


9. What would the calculated radiation emissivity be at 75 meters?


10. What would the calculated radiation emissivity be at 100 feet?


11. What would the calculated radiation emissivity be at 100 meters?


Radiation Safety Review Worksheet

Worksheet Español


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Radiation Safety Copyright © by J. S. Ballard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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