
Image Descriptions

Image description for Figure 1.6

A circle of arrows around the words Scientific Process. The top arrow says Identify a Social Issue or Find a Research Topic and Ask a Question. This points to the next arrow, which says review existing literature and sources. Build a broad understanding of work previously conducted, identify gaps in understanding of the topic, and position your own research to build on prior knowledge. The next arrow says Formulate a Hypothesis: What are the general causes of the phenomenon you’re wondering about? The next arrow says Select a Research Method and Design a Study: Select a research method appropriate to answer your question. Typically, your research question influences the method you will use. The next arrow says Collect data: Collect information on the topic using the research design. The next arrow says Analyze data: Organize and analyze the data after it is collected. If the analysis does or does not support the hypothesis, discuss implications for theory or policy. From here there is an arrow that goes back to Select a Research Method that says Based on findings, what new questions do you have? How can these new questions help develop future projects? Another arrow from Analyze Data continues the circle and says Report Findings: Share results at conferences and in academic journals. Before the conclusions of a study are widely accepted, the studies are often repeated. New research questions may emerge to inspire more research projects. This arrow points back to the top arrow where we started. There is also an attribution statement saying this image is CC BY 4.0 and created by Jennifer Puentes and Michaela Willi Hooper.

Return to Figure 1.6

Image description for Figure 2.12

A table with two columns and five rows.

The left column heading reads, “Stages of Development” and the right column heading reads, “Stages of Development.”

The second row reads, “Preparatory Stage” and “Imitation and copying of others – typically parents/family.”

The third row reads, “Play Stage” and “Imitate through role play like “dress up” in a fluid manner where they don’t quite understand the big picture or have the ability to maintain the role.

The fourth row reads, “Game Stage,” and “Distinguish and learn different roles at the same time and how they interact with others. Following rules and expectations of the role.”

The bottom row reads, “Generalized other,” and “Learn the common norms and expectations of the larger society. Able to internalize how they are viewed by society and others.”

Return to Figure 2.12

Image description for Figure 3.3

A vertical bar graph, titled, “Heterosexual Men Are Most Likely and Heterosexual Women Are Least Likely to Orgasm During a Partnered Sexual Encounter”. The y-axis is labeled “Percent Who Usually or Always Orgasm”, measured in increments of 0. 25, 50, 75, 100. The x-axis is labeled “Men” and Women”. To the right of the graph is a key with a gold square next to the label “heterosexual. A blue square labeled Bisexual, and a pink square labeled Homosexual. The horizontal bars correspond to the key to indicate 95% of heterosexual men, 89% of bisexual men, 88% of homosexual men, 65% of heterosexual women, 66% of bisexual women, and 86% of lesbian women.

Return to Figure 3.3

Image description for Figure 3.5

A black and white photo that shows a large group of young people outside a brick building, with uniformed and plain-clothes officers surveying the group. The young people’s facial expressions look angry and distressed. We only see the backs of the police.

Return to Figure 3.5

Image description for Figure 3.11

An infographic with a white background. The title “The Gender Unicorn” is written in friendly script across the top.

The left third of the page has a cartoon of a purple unicorn standing upright like a person. The Right two-thirds of the page is divided into five rows.

A thought bubble near the unicorn’s head has a rainbow corresponding to a second rainbow in the top row to the right and a black label that says, “Gender Identity” over teal horizontal arrows, that suggest a number line. To the right of each arrow is a category of gender. The top line says “Female/Woman/Girl.” The second line says, “Male/Man/Boy” and the third line says, “Other Gender(s).”

Behind the Unicorn, a line of small green dots in the shape of a bracket, as if the unicorn is bracketed. The dots correspond to a green dot on the second right-hand row and the text “Gender Expression” over three horizontal arrows of the same shade of green, each pointing rightward to the text describing a category of gender expression. The top arrow points to the word “Feminine,” the middle arrow points to the word, “masculine,” and the bottom arrow points to the word “other.”

Near the Unicorn’s pelvis, there is a green, purple, and orange double helix, suggesting a segment of DNA that corresponds to another segment in the third row, labeled, “Sex Assigned at birth.” Under these labels is a horizontal row of three dots: an orange dot under the label “female,” a green dot under the label “male,” and a purple dot under the label “Other/Intersex.”

On the Unicorn’s chest, there are two overlapping hearts, one is red and the other is orange, The orange dot corresponds to an orange heart in the fourth row, labeled “Physically Attracted to” over three orange horizontal arrows pointing to categories of gender. The top arrow points to the label “Woman,” the middle arrow points to the label “Men,” and the bottom arrow points to the label “Other Gender(s).”

The red heart on the Unicorn’s chest corresponds to the red heart in the fifth row, labeled “emotionally attracted to,” and three horizontal red arrows pointing to labels that read, respectively, “Women,” “Men,” and “Other Gender(s).”

In the top right corner of the graphic, black letters spell out “Graphic by TSER

Trans Student Educational Resources.”

In the bottom left corner, smaller letters black letters say, “To learn more, go to:


Return to Figure 3.11

Image description for Figure 3.14

A spiral of 24 overlapping circles that progress in shades of gray from the outermost black circle to the innermost white circle. Each circle lists a form of individual or systemic sexual violence. Beginning with the outermost circle they are labeled with white text: Rape/Murder; Partner Rape; Marital Rape; Date Rape; Child Rape; Statutory Rape; Incest; Rape; Flashing; Sexual Exploitation; Sexual Harassment; Voyeurism; Sexist Jokes; Rigid Gender Roles; Sexualized Media Depictions; Gender Violence Normalized; Mysogenistic Practices; Sexism; Heterosexism; Classism; Antisemitism; Ableism; Racism, and Oppression. The spiral sits within a larger medium-gray circle bordered by two black lines. Touter black line is labeled “norms”. Under the image, the title is written in grey text, “The Sexual Violence Continuum. The creator’s name, “Lydia Guy – WCSAP 2006” is under the title in smaller grey text.

Return to Figure 3.14

Image description for Figure 3.16

A table that lists Risk And Protective Factors for the Perpetration Of Sexual Violence

  • Families where caregivers work through conflicts
  • Emotional health and connectedness
  • Academic achievement
  • Empathy and concern for how one’s actions affect
  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Delinquency
  • Lack of concern for others
  • Aggressive behaviors and acceptance of violent behaviors
  • Early sexual initiation
  • Coercive sexual fantasies
  • Preference for impersonal sex and sexual-risk taking
  • Exposure to sexually explicit media
  • Hostility towards women
  • Adherence to traditional gender role norms
  • Hyper-masculinity
  • Suicidal behavior
  • Prior sexual victimization or perpetration
  • Poverty
  • Lack of employment opportunities
  • Lack of institutional support from the police and judicial system
  • General tolerance of sexual violence within the community
  • Weak community sanctions against sexual violence
  • perpetrators
  • Family history of conflict and violence
  • Childhood history of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse
  • Emotionally unsupportive family environment
  • Poor parent-child relationships, particularly with fathers
  • Association with sexually aggressive, hypermasculine, and delinquent peers
  • Involvement in a violent or abusive intimate relationship
  • Societal norms that support sexual violence
  • Societal norms that support male superiority
  • and sexual entitlement
  • Societal norms that maintain women’s
  • inferiority and sexual submissiveness
  • Weak laws and policies related to sexual violence and gender equity
  • High levels of crime and other forms of violence

Return to Figure 3.16

Image description for Figure 3.18

An infographic with a white background. The title “The Gender Unicorn” is written in friendly script across the top.

The left third of the page has a cartoon of a purple unicorn standing upright like a person. The Right two-thirds of the page is divided into five rows.

A thought bubble near the unicorn’s head has a rainbow corresponding to a second rainbow in the top row to the right and a black label that says, “Gender Identity” over teal horizontal arrows, that suggest a number line. To the right of each arrow is a category of gender. The top line says “Female/Woman/Girl,” the second line says, “Male/Man/Boy,” and the third line says, “Other Gender(s).”

Behind the Unicorn, a line of small green dots in the shape of a bracket, as if the unicorn is bracketed. The dots correspond to a green dot on the second right-hand row and the text “Gender Expression” over three horizontal arrows of the same shade of green, each pointing rightward to the text describing a category of gender expression. The top arrow points to the word “Feminine,” the middle arrow points to the word, “Masculine,” and the bottom arrow points to the word “other.”

Near the Unicorn’s pelvis, there is a green, purple, and orange double helix, suggesting a segment of DNA that corresponds to another segment in the third row, labeled, “Sex Assigned at birth.” Under these labels is a horizontal row of three dots: an orange dot under the label “female,” a green dot under the label “male,” and a purple dot under the label “Other/Intersex.”

On the Unicorn’s chest, there are two overlapping hearts, one is red and the other is orange, The orange dot corresponds to an orange heart in the fourth row, labeled “Physically Attracted to” over three orange horizontal arrows pointing to categories of gender. The top arrow points to the label “Woman,” the middle arrow points to the label “Men,” and the bottom arrow points to the label “Other Gender(s).”

The red heart on the Unicorn’s chest corresponds to the red heart in the fifth row, labeled “emotionally attracted to”, and three horizontal red arrows pointing to labels that read, respectively, “Women,” “Men,” and “Other Gender(s).”

In the top right corner of the graphic, black letters spell out “Graphic by TSER

Trans Student Educational Resources.”

In the bottom left corner, smaller letters black letters say, “To learn more, go to:


Return to Figure 3.18

Image description for Figure 4.1

A collage with three rows of headshots of major sociological theorists:

  • Top row, labeled “Structural Functionalism”:
  • Emile Durkheim (he/him) (1858 – 1917)
  • Talcott Parson’s (he/him) (1902 – 1979)
  • Robert Merton (he/him) (1910 – 2003)
  • Middle Row, labeled, “Conflict Theory:
  • Harriet Martineau (she/her) (1802 – 1876)
  • Karl Marx (he/him) (1818-1883)
  • Max Weber (he/him) (1865 – 1929)
  • W.E.B. DuBios (he/him) (1886 – 1963)
  • C. Wright Mills (he/him) (1916 – 1962)
  • Bottom Row, labeled “Symbolic Interactionist”
  • Herbert Blumer (he/him) (1900 -1987)
  • Erving Goffman (he/him) (1922 – 1982)
  • Howard Becker (he/him) (1928 -)
  • Sheldon Stryker (he/him) (1924 – 2016)
  • Peter Adler (he/him) (1952 – )
  • Patricia Adler (she/her) (1952 – )
  • Gary Allen Fine (he/him) (1950 – )

Return to Figure 4.1

Image description for Figure 4.2

A circle with ten smaller eccentric (off-center) nested circles indicating levels of sociological analysis in graduating shades of blue.

To the left of the large circle is a smaller circle with an image of a person holding up a cardboard sign that says, “Justice for Black Lives.” There is a dotted line with “macro-level analysis” and an arrow pointing to the outer layers of analysis.

To the right of the large circle is a smaller circle with an image of two feminine presenting people laughing together as they look at a cell phone. There is a dotted line with “micro-level analysis” and an arrow pointing to the inner layers of analysis.

Here are the labels of the layers of analysis in the large circle:

  • The smallest innermost circle sits at the bottom of the image labeled “self.”
  • The second circle is labeled “Interaction.”
  • The third circle is labeled “Socialization.”
  • The fourth circle is labeled “Role.”
  • The fifth circle is labeled “Groups.”
  • The sixth circle is labeled “Social Inequality, Race, Gender, Class.”
  • The seventh circle is a small border of dots, indicating a dividing line between micro-level analysis below and macro-level analysis above.
  • The Eighth circle is labeled “Social Institutions, Economics, Politics, Education, Religion, Family, Work.”
  • The ninth circle is labeled ” Culture.”
  • The outermost circle is labeled “Society.”

Return to Figure 4.2

Image description for Figure 4.3

A table with two columns:

  • The left column is labeled
  • “Systems of the Human Body” above a picture of a human body with visible organs, bones, muscles, and blood vessels to indicate the systems of the body. Each system is labeled, with a line between each system and its corresponding body part :
  • “Nervous” with a line to the brain
  • “Endocrine” with a line to glands in the neck
  • “Integumentary” with a line to the skin on the right arm
  • “Cardiovascular” with a line to the heart
  • “Skeletal” with a line of bones in the left wrist
  • “Muscular” with a line to the right thigh
  • The right column is labeled “Social Systems” and has labeled black and white icons indicating social systems:
  • An icon suggesting three people, labeled “Families.”
  • An icon suggesting a circle of people, labeled “Communities.”
  • An icon suggesting an icon falling into a hand, labeled “Economic.”
  • An icon indicating a ballot box, labeled “Politics.”
  • A set of 3 icons indicating a teacher at a blackboard, students, and a graduation cap, labeled “Education.”
  • A set of 3 icons indicating a temple, a mosque, and a church, labeled “Religion.”
  • A set of two icons indicating legal statutes and the scales of justice, labeled “Legal Systems.”

Return to Figure 4.3

Image description for Figure 4.13

The image shows three distinct waves of water that represent the first three waves of feminism. Each wave is larger than the previous wave.

The first wave is labeled as occurring between the 1840s and 1940s. The first wave includes:

  • Suffrage (the right to vote)
  • Abolition
  • Economic Rights
  • Intimate Partner Violence

The second wave is labeled as being influenced by the Civil Rights Movement and occurring between the 1950s and 1970s. The second wave includes:

  • Civil Rights
  • Sexual Liberation
  • Reproductive Rights
  • Sexual Violence
  • Gender Equity in Education and the Workplace
  • Passage of the Equal Rights Amendment

The third wave is labeled as incorporating Black Feminist Activism, LGBTQIA+ Activism, and Disability Rights Activism, and occuring between the 1980s and the present. The third wave includes:

  • Intersectionality
  • Critical Theories of Gender
  • Coalition Building
  • Racial Justice
  • Reproductive Justice
  • Disability Justice
  • Prison Abolition
  • Multiple Feminisms
  • International Feminism
  • Queer Feminism
  • Global South Feminism
  • Black Feminism

Return to Figure 4.13

Image description for Figure 5.1

A wheel with an outer rim, a middle section divided into eight pieces (like a pie), and an inner circle at the center.

The outer rim is labeled: “VIOLENCE; PHYSICAL; SEXUAL”

The innermost circle is labeled: “POWER AND CONTROL”

The middle section pieces are labeled:


Making and/or carrying out threats to do something to hurt her, threatening to leave her, to commit suicide, to report her to welfare making her drop charges, and making her do illegal things.


Preventing her from getting or keeping a job making her ask for money giving her an allowance, taking her money, not letting her know about or have access to family income.


Making her afraid by using looks, actions, gestures, smashing things, destroying her property, abusing pets, and displaying weapons.


Putting her down, making her feel bad about herself, calling her names, making her think she’s crazy, playing mind games, humiliating her, and making her feel guilty.


Treating her like a servant, making all the big decisions, acting like the master of the castle, being the one to define men’s and women’s roles.


Making her feel guilty about the children, using the children to relay messages, using visitation to harass her, and threatening to take the children away.


Controlling what she does, who she sees and talks to, what she reads, and where she goes. Limiting her outside involvement using jealousy to justify actions.


Making light of the abuse and not taking her concerns about it seriously saying the abuse didn’t happen, shifting responsibility for abusive behavior, and saying she caused it.

Return to Figure 5.1

Image description for Figure 5.5

The social identity wheel has common characteristics in the middle that remain stable including, national origin, race/ethnicity, mental/physical ability, sexual orientation, age, gender, gender identity, or expression. The characteristics on the outside can change over time like, work experience, education, appearance, religion, income, language and communication skills, organizational role, family, and political belief.

Return to Figure 5.5

Image description for Figure 5.6


A multicolored wheel that visualizes an individual’s or group’s relationship to power and privilege. From a center that says power, two intersecting lines with arrows at each end point outwards and are labeled marginalization. There are 16 slices or segments in the wheel. Each segment represents categories of identities or social locations. Social locations near the center of the wheel experience more power. Social locations near the edge of the wheel experience more oppression and are more marginalized. Gray words outside the circle indicate forms of oppression and discrimination directed at people with those social identities.

Please keep in mind that as we try to describe the relationships between socially constructed power and identity, the categories we use can be imprecise, overlapping, and unstable.

Category descriptions and social identities/locations

  • Race/Ethnicity: Black and Indigenous People of Color are the most marginalized identities; White passing is in the middle, and white is closest to the center of power. Racism is a form of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.
  • Skin color: Dark is the most marginalized identity, with medium shades in the middle and white closest to the center of power. Colorism is a form of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.
  • Indigeneity: Indigenous is the most marginalized identity, and Settlers are closest to the center of power. Colonialism is a form of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.
  • Citizenship: Undocumented are the most marginalized, documented non-citizens are in the middle, and citizens are closest to the center of power. Nativism is a form of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.
  • Language: Non-English speaking is the most marginalized identity; English speaking is in the middle, and native English is closest to the center of power. Xenophobia is a form of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.
  • Geography: Rural/inner city is the most marginalized identity, the suburb is in the middle, and the city is closest to the center of power. Classism is a form of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.
  • Social class: The poor/working poor is the most marginalized identity, the middle class is in the middle, and the wealthy are closest to the center of power. Classism also affects people in this category.
  • Housing status: Houseless is the most marginalized identity, sheltered/renting is in the middle, and the property owner is closest to the center of power. Classism also affects people in this category.
  • Education: Elementary education is the most marginalized identity, high school is in the middle, and college or university is closest to the center of power. Credentialism is a form of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.
  • Neurodiversity: Significant neurodivergence is the most marginalized identity; some neurodivergence is in the middle, and neurotypical is closest to the center of power. Ableism is a form of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.
  • Physical and mental health: Vulnerable is the most marginalized identity, mostly stable is in the middle, and robust is closest to the center of power. Ableism also affects people in this category.
  • Ability: Severe disability is the most marginalized identity, mild disability is in the middle, and able-bodied is closest to the center of power. Ableism also affects people in this category.
  • Body size: Overweight or obese is the most marginalized identity, average is in the middle, and slim is closest to the center of power. Sizeism is a form of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.
  • Gender identity: Trans/intersex/nonbinary is the most marginalized, cisgender women are in the middle, and cisgender men are closest to the center of power. Sexism and cisgenderism are forms of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.
  • Sexual orientation: Lesbian, bi, pan/asexual are the most marginalized identities, gay men are in the middle, and straight is closest to the center of power. Heterosexism is a form of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.
  • Marital Status: Single/nonmonogamous are the most marginalized identities, engaged/partnered are in the middle, and married is closest to the center of power. Heterosexism is a form of oppression marginalized people in this category experience.

Attributions and license

Based on the work of Patricia Hill Collins, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and Allan Johnson, and the visual images of Sylvia Duckworth and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. This version was designed by Kimberly Puttman, Michaela Willi Hooper, and Lauren Antrosiglio, Open Oregon Educational Resources, CC BY 4.0.

Return to Figure 5.6

Image description for Figure 5.14

A picture of an Iceberg floating in the water. A small part of the iceberg floats above the waterline, and most of it is sunk below the waterline

Above the waterline is the label “Overt White Supremacy” And the words “KKK, Racist Jokes, Racial Slurs, Burning Crosses, Confederate Flags, Indian Schools, Indigenous Genocide, Swasticas, Hate Crime, Racist Mascots, Neo-Nazis.”

Below the waterline is the label, “Covert White Supremacy” and the words, Bootstrap Theory, Denying harms of slavery, Denying the present-day legacies of settler colonialism, denying the harms of settler colonialism, America is a Melting Pot (Assimilation), Fearing People of Color, Eurocentric curriculum, Columbus Discovered America, Housing Discrimination, Expecting PGM to teach White People, Not Believeing the experience of PGM, Celebrating Columbus Day, Anti-imigration Policies, Over-representation of PGM in Prisons, Tokenism, Redlining, Paternalism, Police killing PGM, Hiring descrimination, Victim Blaming, Manifest Destiny, School-to-Prison Pipeline, Mass Incarceration, Color Blindness, Claiming Reverse Racism, Denial of White Privilage, Denial of racism, English Only, Racial Profiling, White Savior Complex, Police brutality, Racial Health Disparities, Racial Wealth Gap, Not Challanging Racist jokes, Denying the proesent-day legacies of slavery, Binary gender roles based on Eurocentric partiracal culture, White Grievence/White Masculine Greivence, Treaties not honored by governments, Believing that we are post-racial, Don’t blame me—I never owned slaves, Cultural appropriation, lynching, Internalized white racial superiority.”

Return to Figure 5.14

Image description for Figure 5.23

Four horizontal bars, each describing a stage of social movements.

Stage 1: Emergence – People become aware of an issue and leaders emerge

Stage 2: Coalescence – People join together, organize, and take action

Stage 3: Institutionalization – The movement becomes an established organization

Stage 4: Decline – The relevance of the movement declines overtime.

Return to Figure 5.23


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Sociology of Gender: An Equity Lens Copyright © by Heidi Esbensen and Nora Karena is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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