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Detailed Outline

The following detailed outline lists the sequence of topics and sub-topics covered in each chapter. We hope that reviewing this sequence will help future educators who may wish to adapt parts of the textbook for a specific course or project. Please note that the Pressbooks Table of Contents offers a high-level outline of this sequence, whereas this detailed outline shows each subtopic. Content can also be located by keyword by searching this book (upper right).

  1. Chapter 1: What Is a Social Problem?
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Defining a Social Problem
      1. Beyond Individual Experience
      2. A Conflict in Values
      3. Inequality
      4. A Social Construction with Real Consequences
      5. Unpacking Oppression, Advocating for Social Justice: The Social Construction of Rape
      6. Interdependent Solutions of Individual Agency and Collective Action
      7. Licenses and Attributions for Defining a Social Problem
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
        2. Open Content, Original
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Constructing a Social Problem
      1. The Social Problems Process
        1. Step One: Claimsmaking
        2. Step Two: Media Coverage
        3. Step Three: Public Reaction
        4. Step Four: Policy Making
        5. Step Five: Social Problems Work
        6. Step Six: Policy Outcomes
      2. Licenses and Attributions for Constructing a Social Problem
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. Social Problems and Social Justice
      1. Activist Scholars: Jane Addams and Angela Davis
      2. Licenses and Attributions for Social Problems and Social Justice
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    6. References
  2. Chapter 2: Who Are We?: Social Problems in a Diverse World
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
    2. Social Identity and Social Location
      1. Social Identity
      2. Dimensions of Diversity
        1. Race
        2. Ethnicity
        3. Gender
        4. Age
        5. Class
        6. Sexual Orientation
        7. Ability/Disability
      3. Social Location and the Wheel of Power and Privilege
        1. The Wheel of Power and Privilege Describes Structural Oppression and Structural Privilege
        2. The Wheel of Power and Privilege Measures Harm not Worth
        3. The Wheel of Power and Privilege Demonstrates Intersectionality
        4. Unpacking Oppression, Intersecting Justice: Acting Intersectionally
      4. Applying Social Identity and Social Location to One Life
        1. My Social Identity
        2. My Social Location
        3. My Power, Privilege, and Intersectionality
        4. My Identity and Agency
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Social Identity and Social Location
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Creating Community by Honoring Diversity
      1. Living Diversity Well
      2. Licenses and Attributions for Creating Community by Honoring Diversity
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    5. References
  3. Chapter 3: What Is Sociology? Theory in Social Science
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. How Do You Know?: Social Theory
      1. Licenses and Attributions for How Do You Know? Social Theory
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Classical Sociological Theory
      1. Licenses and Attributions for Classical Sociological Theory
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. Moving to Modern
      1. Licenses and Attributions for Moving to Modern
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Modern and Emerging Sociological Theories
      1. Feminism and Intersectionality
      2. Critical Race Theory
      3. Queer Theory
      4. Theories of Interdependence
      5. Unpacking Oppression, Locating Justice
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Modern and Emerging Social Theories
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References
  4. Chapter 4: How Do We Find Out?: Research Methods for Social Problems
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    2. Scientific Frameworks
      1. The Scientific Method
        1. Step 1: Identify a Social Issue or Find a Research Topic and Ask a Question
        2. Step 2: Review Existing Literature and Source
        3. Step 3: Formulate a Hypothesis
        4. Step 4: Select a Research Method and Design a Study
        5. Step 5: Collect Data
        6. Step 6: Analyze the Data
        7. Step 7: Report Findings
      2. Interpretive Framework
      3. Indigenous Frameworks
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Scientific Frameworks
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Research Methods
      1. Surveys
      2. Experiments
      3. Secondary Data Analysis
      4. Participant Observation
      5. In-depth interviews
      6. International Research
      7. Unpacking Oppression, Measuring Justice
      8. Licenses and Attributions for Research Methods
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Research Methods and Taking Action
      1. Humanitarian Efforts
      2. Community-Based Action Research
      3. Participatory Action Research
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Research Methods and Taking Action
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    6. References
  5. Chapter 5: Who Learns? Pods, Masks, and “You’re on Mute”
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Education as a Social Problem
      1. d/Deaf and Black: Intersectional Justice
      2. Unpacking Oppression, Seeing Justice: What’s With All the -isms?
      3. Neurodiversity
      4. Unpacking Oppression and Enabling Justice
      5. Violence and Oppression: Indian Residential Schools
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Education as a Social Problem
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Models of Education: Applying the Social Problems Process
      1. Legal Segregation
      2. Legal Integration
      3. De-facto Segregation
      4. Inclusion
      5. Educational Debt not Achievement Gap
      6. Equity
      7. Licenses and Attributions for Models of Education
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Education, Poverty, and Wealth
      1. Individual Improvement versus Class Improvement
      2. Correlation and Causation
      3. Models of Education, Wealth, and Poverty
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Education Poverty and Wealth
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Education for Transformation is Social Justice
      1. Education For Liberation
      2. Crossing the Digital Divide During COVID-19
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Education and Transformation
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References
  6. Chapter 6: Who Has a Home?: Houselessness and Housing Insecurity
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Housing Insecurity and Houselessness as a Social Problem
      1. Defining houselessness
      2. Who is Unhoused?
      3. Who is Housing Insecure?
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Housing Insecurity and Houselessness as a Social Problem
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Houselessness, Housing Insecurity, and Social Location
      1. What is Social Stratification?
      2. Unpacking Oppression, Equalizing Justice: Social Class
      3. Social Class and Housing
      4. Race and Ethnicity
      5. Gender and Houselessness
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Houselessness, Housing Insecurity and Social Location
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Personal Problems — “Sin” or “Sickness”
      1. Poverty, “Degeneracy” and Migrants
      2. Hobos and Tramps
      3. Narratives of houselessness
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Personal Problems — “Sin” or “Sickness”
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Structural Issues of Houselessness
      1. Structural Causes of Indigenous Houselessness
      2. Creating Under-resourced Communities: Racism, Segregation, Redlining
      3. Climate-related displacement
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Structural Issues of Houselessness
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Housing Stability is Social Justice
      1. Supporting Students
      2. Updating the Fair Housing Act
      3. Addressing Houselessness: Housing First
      4. Community Efforts
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Housing Stability is Social Justice
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    7. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    8. References
  7. Chapter 7: Who Belongs?: The Social Problem of Family
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
    2. The Social Problem of Belonging: Who is Family?
      1. A social problem goes beyond the experience of an individual
      2. A social problem results from a conflict in values
      3. A social problem arises when groups of people experience inequality
      4. A social problem is socially constructed but real in its consequences
      5. A social problem must be addressed interdependently, using both individual agency and collective action
      6. Licenses and Attributions for The Social Problem of Belonging: Who is Family
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    3. Inequality in Belonging
      1. Early Roots: Slavery, Bodily Autonomy, Citizenship and Class
      2. The Intersectionality of Belonging: Ethnicity, Origin, and Citizenship
        1. Ethnicity
        2. Unpacking Oppression, Naming Justice: Why is Latinx a Word?
        3. Citizenship and Ethnicity
          1. Another immigrant story: My Mom
          2. DACA, Dreamers, and Immigration
      3. Queer Families
        1. Unpacking Oppression and Queering Justice: What Do I Mean When I Say Queer?
        2. Inequality in Queer Families
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Inequality in Belonging
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Explaining the Social Problem of Belonging
      1. Functionalist
      2. Conflict Theory
      3. Symbolic Interactionism
      4. Intersectional Theories of Belonging: Feminism, Critical Race Theory, and Queer Theory
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Explaining the Social Problem of Belonging
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Belonging is Social Justice
      1. Licenses and Attributions for Belonging is Social Justice
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References
  8. Chapter 8: Who Gets Environmental Justice? The Social Problem of Climate Change
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Climate Change as a Social Problem
      1. Extreme Weather Events
      2. Cultural Loss
      3. Climate Change and Poverty: “Those who contribute the least suffer the most”
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Climate Change as a Social Problem
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Environmental Inequality and Culture
      1. Enculturation and Cultural Universals
      2. The Culture Wheel
        1. Unpacking Oppression, Living Justice: Colonialism
      3. Worldview Conflict – Indigenous and Western Perspectives
      4. Colonialism, Capitalism, and Climate Change
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Environmental Inequality and Culture
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Making Sense of the Climate Crisis
      1. What is Environmental Racism, Environmental Justice, and Critical Environmental Justice?
      2. What is Ecofeminism?
      3. What is Youth Climate Activism?
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Making Sense of the Climate Crisis
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Environmental Justice Is Social Justice
      1. Environmental Justice in Oregon, Then and Now
        1. The Bottle Bill
        2. The Latina Fire Survivors in Southern Oregon
      2. Indigenous Resistance
      3. Paris Climate Agreements
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Environmental Justice is Social Justice
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References
  9. Chapter 9: Whose Lives Matter? Social Movements and Social Justice
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Applying the Social Problems Process to #BlackLivesMatter
      1. Claimsmaking and Media Coverage
      2. Claim: Lynching and Racist Policing
      3. Claim: Under-resourced Communities
      4. Public Reaction
      5. Policy Making, Social Problems Work, and Policy Outcomes
      6. Unpacking Oppression: Anti-Racist Social Justice
      7. Licenses and Attributions for Applying the Social Problems Process to #BlackLivesMatter
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. The Sociology of Social Movements
      1. Levels of Social Movements
      2. Types of Social Movements
      3. Stages of Social Movements
      4. New Social Movement Theory
      5. Resource Mobilization Theory
      6. Indigenous Perspective Theory
      7. Licenses and Attributions for The Sociology of Social Movements
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved
    4. Social Movements, Social Media, and Social Justice
      1. Emergence
      2. Coalescence
      3. Institutionalization
      4. Decline
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Social Movements, Social Media, and Social Justice
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    6. References
  10. Chapter 10: Who Gets Well?: Health as a Social Problem
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved
    2. Health as a Social Problem
      1. Licenses and Attributions for Health as a Social Problem
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    3. Epidemiology in the US: Health Disparities by Social Location
      1. Unpacking Oppression, Healing Justice: Social Determinants of Health and ACES
      2. Health Inequalities by Race and Ethnicity
      3. Health Inequalities by Socioeconomic Status
      4. Health Inequalities by Biological Sex
      5. Health Inequalities by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Epidemiology in the US: Health Disparities by Social Location
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Sociological Theories of Health
      1. The Cultural Meaning of Illness
      2. Sick Role and Functionalist Perspective
      3. Social Disparities and the Conflict Perspective
      4. Medicalization and the Symbolic Perspective
      5. Intersectional Theories of Health
        1. Racism and Weathering
        2. The Hispanic Paradox
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Sociological Theories of Health
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Health Equity is Social Justice
      1. Changing US Healthcare Policy
      2. Changing Healthcare Policy Around the World
      3. Reproductive Justice is Social Justice
      4. Interdependent Health Care Solutions to COVID-19
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Health Equity is Social Justice
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References
  11. Chapter 11: Who Gets High? Social Problems Associated with Drug Use
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. The Social Problem of Drug Use and Misuse
      1. Drug Use
      2. Problematic Drug Use
      3. Dependence
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Drug Use and Addiction as a Social Problem
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    3. Harmful Drug Use: Exploring Unequal Outcomes
      1. The War On Drugs – Criminalizing Drug Use
      2. Unpacking Oppression, Quantifying Justice
      3. The Opioid Crisis: Medical Intervention, not Crime
      4. Licenses and Attributions for A Harmful Drug Use: Exploring Unequal Outcomes
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Five Models of Addiction
      1. Moral View
      2. Disease Model
      3. Public Health Perspective
      4. Sociological Model
      5. Intersectional Model: Colonization and Drug Use
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Five Models of Addiction
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Recovery is Social Justice
      1. Harm-Reduction Movement
      2. Decriminalize Low-Level Drug Offenses
        1. Legalization of Cannabis
        2. Decriminalizing Personal Possession of Illegal Drugs in Oregon
      3. Community Collaboration for Drug Treatment
        1. The Intersectionality of Drug Treatment
        2. Increasing Drug Treatment Options in Local Communities
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Recovery is Social Justice
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References
  12. Chapter 12: Who Feels OK?: The Social Problem of Mental Health
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
        1. Kate’s Story
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. The Basics: Mental Health and Mental Illness as a Social Problem
      1. What Do We Mean, Really?
      2. Why Is Mental Health and Mental Illness a Social Problem?
        1. Mental health and mental illness go beyond individual experience
        2. Unpacking Oppression, Mixing Justice: The Social Construction of Mixed Race Identity
        3. Social Location and Mental Illness Prevalence
      3. Conflict in values
      4. Socially constructed but real in consequences
      5. Unequal outcomes
      6. Licenses and Attributions for The Basics: Mental Health and Mental Illness as a Social Problem
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    3. Social Location and Mental Health
      1. Race and Ethnicity
      2. Class Issues in Mental Health Treatment
      3. Gender
      4. Unpacking Oppression, Embodying Justice: Patriarchy
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Social Location and Mental Health
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Mental Health: Models and Treatments
      1. Medical and Psychological Models of Mental Health and Mental Illness
      2. Biological model
      3. Medical model
      4. Psychological model
      5. Sociological Approaches to Mental Illness
        1. Functionalist
        2. Conflict
        3. Symbolic Interactionist
        4. Intersectional
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Mental Health: Models and Treatments
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Mental Health Is Social Justice
      1. CAHOOTS
      2. Loveland Foundation
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Mental Health Is Social Justice
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References
  13. Chapter 13: Who Dies Well?: Death and Dying as a Social Problem
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Death and Dying as a Social Problem
      1. Beyond the Experience of the Individual
      2. Conflict in Values: Right To Die
      3. Inequality in Life Expectancy
      4. The Social Construction of Death
        1. Clinical Death
        2. Legal Death
        3. Social Death
      5. Interdependent Solutions
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Death and Dying as a Social Problem
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Inequality in End of Life and Death
      1. Unpacking Oppression, Living Justice
      2. Cultural Differences in Death and Dying
        1. Unpacking Oppression, Believing Justice
        2. Cultural Differences – Día de los Muertos/Day of the Dead
          1. Linda González Tells Her Story
        3. Cultural Differences – Indigenous
        4. Cultural Differences – Hindu
        5. Cultural Differences – RIP T-Shirts and Social Justice
      3. Inequality at End of Life – Rural Challenges
        1. End-of-Life Care Options: Rural Challenges
          1. Palliative Care
          2. Nursing Care and Home Health Care
          3. Hospice
      4. Licenses and Attributions for The End of Life
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Studying Death and Dying
      1. The Philosophical Approach
      2. Biological and Medical Approaches
      3. Anthropological Approach
      4. Psychological Approach
      5. Sociological Approach
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Studying Death and Dying
        1. Open Content, Original
    5. Dying Well is Social Justice
      1. POLST and Advance Directives
      2. Green Burial
      3. Last Words Project: Art as Activism
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Dying Well is Social Justice
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Terms Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References
  14. Chapter 14: Who Recovers? A Case Study In Weaving Community
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Chapter Overview
        1. We are #OtisStrong
        2. A Case Study Approach to Interrelated Social Problems
      3. Focusing Questions
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Who Lives in Otis? Setting the Stage of Social Problems
      1. Betty
      2. Carol
      3. Fernando
      4. Tommy & Wendy
      5. Unpacking Oppression, Recovering Justice
        1. Age and Gender
        2. Race and Ethnicity
        3. Social Class
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Who Lives in Otis? Setting the Stage of Social Problems
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. The Interconnected Social Problems of Wildfire Recovery
      1. Harmful Drug Use, Mental Health, and Houselessness in the Country
        1. Carol’s Story Continues
        2. Mental Health in a Rural Community
        3. Houselessness and Disaster Recovery: Tommy, Wendy, and Carol
      2. Racism and Solidarity
        1. Fernando’s Story Continues
        2. Solidarity in Action
      3. Climate Change In Otis
        1. Betty’s Story Continues
        2. Responding to Climate Change and Disaster
      4. COVID-19 and Christmas
        1. Celebrating Christmas: A Radical Act of Social Justice
      5. Licenses and Attributions for The Interconnected Social Problems of Wildfire Recovery
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. The Sociology of Disaster Recovery
      1. The Disaster Management Cycle
      2. Disaster Mental Health
      3. The Social Inequality of Disaster and Resilience Gentrification
      4. Licenses and Attributions for The Sociology of Disaster Recovery
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Community Recovery is Social Justice
      1. Addressing Community Building: Echo Mountain Fire Relief
      2. Addressing Basic Needs: Salmon River Grange, Landscaping with Love, and the Cascade Relief Team
      3. Addressing Housing: County and State Action
      4. Addressing Racism: Latino Outreach and Conexión Fénix
      5. Litigating Justice: Holding Power Companies Accountable
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Community Recovery is Social Justice
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Chapter Summary
      1. Essential Ideas
      2. Key Term Review
      3. Key Terms List
      4. Discuss and Do
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    7. References

Licenses and attributions for Additional Resources

Additional Resources by Open Oregon Educational Resources is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Inequality and Interdependence: Social Problems and Social Justice Copyright © by Kimberly Puttman; Kathryn Burrows; Patricia Halleran; Bethany Grace Howe; Nora Karena; Kelly Szott; and Avery Temple is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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