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Book Contents Navigation
1. Diagnostic: Writing in English and Writing in Your First Language
2. Paragraph Practice: Who Are You?
3. Composition: The Building Blocks
4. Assignment Part One: Constructing an Essay from a Paragraph
5. Grammar: The Four Most Common Errors in ESOL Writing
6. Quick Fixes: Ask and Tell; Not with Anything and Nothing
7. Paragraph Practice: What Does Everyone Deserve?
8. Composition: The P.O.W.E.R. Process
9. Inspiration: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
10. Assignment Part Two: Writing a Second Draft
11. Wrap Up
12. Grammar: Adjective Clauses
13. Quick Fixes: Don't, Doesn't, Don't Have To
14. Paragraph Practice: What Is Happiness?
15. Composition: Definition Strategies
16. Assignment Part One: Write a Definition Essay
17. Grammar: Noun Clauses
18. Quick Fixes: Either/Neither, Every Time/All The Time
19. Paragraph Practice: What Do Others Say about Human Rights?
20. Composition: Stronger Introductions
21. Assignment Part Two: Review and Revise Your Definition Essay
22. Wrap Up
23. Grammar: Adverb Clauses
24. Quick Fixes: For and Because, For and So
25. Paragraph Practice: What Is the Cause? What Is the Effect?
26. Composition: Cause-and-Effect Strategies
27. Assignment Part One: Write a Cause-and-Effect Essay
28. Grammar: Passive Voice Verbs
29. Quick Fixes: Make and Give a Party; Married To and With
30. Paragraph Practice: What Might Happen?
31. Composition: Stronger Conclusions
32. Assignment Part Two: Review and Revise Your Cause-and-Effect Essay
33. Wrap Up
34. Grammar: Modal Verbs
35. Quick Fixes: Their, There, They're; Them and Those
36. Paragraph Practice: What's Missing from the UDHR?
37. Composition: Discussion Strategies
38. Assignment Part One: Write a Discussion Essay
39. Grammar: Gerunds and Infinitives
40. Quick Fixes: To and Too; Too and Very
41. Paragraph Practice: Why Isn't the UDHR Official Law around the World Yet?
42. Composition: Stronger Body Paragraphs
43. Assignment Part Two: Review and Revise Your Discussion Essay
44. Wrap Up
Appendix A. How to Set Up a Google Doc
Appendix B. Grading Rubrics
Appendix C. Student Self-Check
Appendix D. Sample Student Essays
Appendix E. Individual Conference Preparation
Appendix F: Practice Exam
Appendix G. Instructor Resources
Appendix H. Acknowledgments
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