40 Quick Fixes: To and Too; Too and Very


To and Too

First, it’s important to remember that both words sound the same (as well as two). Spelling and context are what help you to understand which word is used.


Too is often used as an adverb meaning also. However, you can use too when something is more than necessary. It’s an adverb that usually describes an adjective.

  • It’s too cold in here, and the soup is too hot to eat.



INSTRUCTIONS: Choose to or too to complete the sentences below. Remember to use appropriate capitalization and punctuation.

  1. You are too young __________________ go there by yourself.
  2. The bus goes __________________ the beach.
  3. It’s __________________ late to go to the store.
  4. This test is too long __________________ finish in an hour.
  5. I’m too smart __________________ get this answer wrong.
  6. The bus trip is __________________ long. I will take a plane instead.
  7. As the saying goes, “__________________ many cooks spoil the soup.”
  8. It’s __________________ hot in here today. Let’s turn on the air conditioning.
  9. I’m __________________ short. I can’t reach the shelf.
  10. My stomach is __________________ full __________________ eat another bite.

Too and Very


You can also use too if you mean something is more than it should be. It’s an adverb that usually describes an adjective.

  • Example of what we do not say: The hotel is great because it is too close to the airport. 
  • It is noisy because we live too close to the airport.


You use very to emphasize something.

  • The hotel is great because it is very close to the airport.



INSTRUCTIONS: Choose too or very to complete each sentence below. Remember to use appropriate capitalization and punctuation.

  1. He looks at her with warm and caring eyes. I think he likes her __________________ much.
  2. He is __________________ good to me. I appreciate him.
  3. Please stop. You are talking __________________ much.
  4. She is __________________ smart. She always gets good grades.
  5. The presenters spoke ________________ fast. Nobody understood what they were saying.
  6. They are not very nice to me. I don’t like that __________________ much.
  7. The book was __________________ complicated. I couldn’t understand it.
  8. He adores her, but I think he likes her way _____________________ much.
  9. It’s __________________ cool in the house. I need it to be warmer.
  10. It’s __________________ cool in the house. It feels better than the heat and humidity outside.


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