
38 Assignment Part One: Write a Discussion Essay

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What do you do?

For this assignment, imagine that you are writing an essay for a popular magazine. Readers of this magazine like to learn more about contemporary social issues. They want to hear all sides of a story so that they can make an informed decision. The magazine has many stories about the UDHR. Your editor, however, thinks it is old and needs to be updated. Your editor asks you to think about this: What human right would you add to the UDHR? Or what existing human right needs to be changed? Start with the paragraph that you already wrote. Expand that paragraph into a complete essay. At least one body paragraph should describe why some people would be against this idea. At least one body paragraph should describe why some people would support this idea. Optional: You may add your opinion in a final body paragraph or in the conclusion; however, your opinion is not required.

How should we you do it?

Note the new tasks in bold.

  • Follow the schedule from your instructor. Pay close attention to the due dates for each part.
  • Type your essay on a computer using Google Docs and use the Share function to send to your instructor. You do not need to print anything.
  • Use 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Use Times Roman 11 or 12 point font or similar.
  • Use double-spaced lines.
  • Use page numbers.
  • Put your full name, class name, and date in the upper left-hand of the first page.
  • Add a title, centered at the top of the page. Be creative with your titles! Get the reader’s attention.
  • Use the TAB key on your keyboard to indent each paragraph.
  • Write as many body paragraphs as you have major points (each major point is a separate body paragraph).
  • Include some information from at least two outside sources, such as a website, book, magazine, newspaper, etc. Do not copy directly from another source without proper citation. That is plagiarism and may result in 0 points for this assignment. If you use ideas or information from another source, you must paraphrase (use your own words) or quote (use exact words inside “quotation marks”). Either way, you must say where you found the information. For this assignment, a simple phrase like “According to [author name] in [title of article or book or website], [rewrite the idea in your own words]….. Example: According to Tim Krause in The Book about Everything, plagiarism is the same as cheating and doesn’t help students to learn.
  • Include at least one modal verb and one passive voice verb in your essay. Underline them.
  • Try new vocabulary words! Your teacher will let you know if they are not used correctly.
  • Write in a more formal academic tone by writing in the third person (do not use I, me, my, we, our, ours, you, your, yours); do not use contractions like don’t and can’t. Avoid vague vocabulary, such as bad, good, a lot, big, etc.; use more precise words.
  • Proofread carefully to make sure you are accurately using standard grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

How will your work be graded?

You will receive two scores for this project. One score is for the first draft; it focuses on content and organization. The other score is for the second draft; it focuses on grammar and mechanics. Review the grading rubrics to understand how your teacher will evaluate your work.


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