2.7 Crime Prevention Science (CPSc) Solutions and Policy Making
Crime Prevention Science (CPSc) solutions are the best policy solutions for crime problems in communities. They consist of the known programs, practices, and policies that are based on the most rigorous research evidence. Each CPSc solution has been carefully reviewed and recommended by top scientists in the field of criminology and criminal justice. For more than a decade, CPSc solutions have been made available online. The expectation is that policy makers in every community will choose to implement these CPSc solutions in their communities. Sadly, there is little evidence that most policy makers know about CPSc, much less support them properly. An important goal of this book is to increase the level of awareness and support for CPSc in every community. Below is a table with two unique CPSc solutions. These two CPSc solutions are designed to increase policy makers’ ongoing awareness and support for CPSc solutions in every community. Any criminal justice faculty and their students can collaborate with their policy makers to install & support these two CPSc solutions in their communities.
2.7.1 Crime Solutions for Criminal Justice Policy (Table)
Title and Evidence Rating |
Summary Description of CPSc Solutions |
This is a planning and implementation system that helps community stakeholders come together to address adolescent behavior problems such as violence, delinquency, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and dropping out of school. |
This is a community-based program that was designed to address substance abuse and antisocial behavior. The program is rated Promising. Students in the schools that implemented the PROSPER model had statistically significant fewer conduct problems and lower lifetime illicit substance use, compared with students in control schools. |
2.7.2 Licenses and Attributions for Crime Prevention Science (CPSc) Solutions and Policy Making
“Crime Prevention Science (CPSc) Solutions and Policy Making” by Sam Arungwa is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
“Crime Solutions for Criminal Justice Policy (Table)” is adapted from “Program Profiles” by the National Institute of Justice Crime Solutions, which is in the Public Domain. Modifications in this adaptation by Sam Arungwa, licensed under CC BY 4.0, include selecting and putting the descriptions in a table.