
4.14 Crime Prevention Science (CPSc) Solutions and Criminal Laws

One important missing piece in the justice systems is the lack of strong support for crime prevention science or CPSc solutions within the criminal laws. Criminal laws are heavily focused on punishment while being almost silent on CPSc solutions and programs that are needed to reduce and prevent crime rates. It does sometimes appear as if the CPSc programs have never been invented, given how they are not even mentioned in most criminal laws. A major overhaul of criminal laws is, therefore, long overdue. But any effort to improve criminal laws must begin with an awareness of CPSc solutions in every community. Bringing the awareness of CPSc to lawmakers and every justice key leader is a natural next step for each community and university. Today, there is a huge question of what every lawmaker knows about CPSc and when they knew it. Simple CPSc awareness can verify and clarify the answer to these two critical questions. It is the key leaders who possess the discretionary power to change criminal laws.

4.14.1 Criminal Law support for CPSc and Crime Solutions

Based on the American constitution, there are three major branches of government – legislature, judiciary, and the executive (https://www.usa.gov/branches-of-government). Each of these three branches can play a crucial role in reforming criminal laws to maximize support for crime prevention science (CPSc). For instance, the legislature can strategically modify existing criminal laws to include support for CPSc and crime solutions. The court judges can then use their sentencing powers to prioritize CPSc programs that are needed. The executive branch leaders can sign executive orders to reinforce governmentwide support for CPSc. In order for these reforms to take place, a sustained awareness campaign will be crucial to educate these key leaders at all branches of government. Generally, higher educational institutions are better positioned to help tackle this awareness and education piece. More specifically, the criminal justice professors and their students can be an invaluable resource for increasing awareness and support for CPSc, starting in their own communities and educational institutions.

4.14.2 Licenses and Attributions for Crime Prevention Science (CPSc) Solutions and Criminal Laws

“Crime Prevention Science (CPSc) Solutions and Criminal Laws” by Sam Arungwa is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System Copyright © by Sam Arungwa. All Rights Reserved.

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