Book Title: Principles of Earth Science

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Book Description: Designed to serve Earth Science students non-science majors at the community college level.
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Book Description
This book has been designed to serve students who are taking Earth Science as a requirement for their science credit at Linn Benton Community College. We cover the following topics as a Earth Science survey: The Nature of Science, Basic Astronomy, the Rock Cycle and the three major rock types, Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Components of the Hydrological Cycle (Rivers, Groundwater, Oceans, Glaciers), Weather, and Earth Systems and Humans. Much of the material in this book was borrowed from O.E.R. sources provided by Karla Panchuk at Saskatchewan BC (Physical Geology, 1st edition), and Steven Earle (Physical Geology, 2nd Edition). We modified some chapter content from the preexisting OERs, as well as wrote and compiled chapters 1 and 17 in an attempt to relate students more with the sciences. We hope that you enjoy this free educational resource!
Principles of Earth Science Copyright © 2021 by Katharine Solada and K. Sean Daniels is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Earth sciences