
For Teachers

This OER is still under development, but we wanted to share it out because of the extraordinary circumstances involved in planning and holding classes these days.


This OER includes many materials that have been adapted for remote teaching, including:
  • 6 units on topics connected to personality, culture, and more
  • Lectures on topics created by ESOL teachers at PCC
  • Curated links to other videos and listening activities online
  • Vocabulary activities and resources
  • Online interactive activities with automatic feedback
  • Pronunciation materials, including some multi-media
  • Additional recorded speeches and materials for assessment
The google doc (also linked above) has the full list of resources, which are shared with a Creative Commons license, meaning that they are ready for you to adopt, adapt, or otherwise use, as long as you keep a “from Green Tea Intermediate English Communication” attribution.
You can bookmark the google doc, or link to our Pressbook site, which may be a more convenient package to link to, if you need to embed things in an LMS.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Green Tea Intermediate English Communication OER Copyright © 2020 by Eric Dodson; Luciana Diniz; and Nanci Leiton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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