
-ED pronunciation for Past Tense and Adjectives

There are 3 ways that we say a final “ed” in English. The important thing to pay attention to is the sound before the “ed.”


Type one: Voiceless +  /t/

verbs and adjectives ending in voiceless consonants = /t/


Stepped ____                   looked______         laughed ____                     wished ____

Switched ___                   clapped ____         kissed ______                    faked _____


Type two: Voiced + /d/

verbs and adjectives ending in voiced consonants = /d/


Planned ____                    tagged ____          halved ____           rubbed ______
labeled_____                    lazed _____            climbed ___           starred ______

Played _____                    peed _____            sued ___                 pawed _____


Type three: /d/ and /t/ + / ɪd/

Verbs and adjectives ending in /t/ or /d + / ɪd/


Toasted _____        participated _____           faded ____            minded _____


Practice out loud with a teacher or tutor:

Focus on the final sounds: /t/, /d/ or / ɪd/

  1. Tasted          _____
  2. Placed         _____
  3. Grabbed     _____
  4. Clogged      _____
  5. Guided        _____
  6. Lived            _____
  7. Picked         _____
  8. waited         _____
  9. clapped      _____
  10. cried            _____

Find the -ed sound in these examples

Focus on the ed words first. Then, read the sentence. Each sentence is an English proverb. Can you find the meaning with a tutor or teacher’s help?

  1. Curiosity killed the cat.
  2. If you play with fire, you’ll get burned.
  3. A fool and his money are soon parted.
  4. You can’t unscramble a scrambled egg.
  5. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  6. Grief divided is made lighter.

Listen to Eric read, and repeat.


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Green Tea Intermediate English Communication OER Copyright © 2020 by Eric Dodson; Luciana Diniz; and Nanci Leiton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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