
2.2 Learning Objectives and Key Terms

Elizabeth B. Pearce

2.2.1 Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the historical context, and what it means to “whitewash” the human services field.
  2. Explain what it means to decolonize the history and current practices of human services.
  3. Describe cultural humility, the social construction of difference, and intersectionality.
  4. Identify the dimensions of diversity.

2.2.2 Key Terms

Key terms are important vocabulary for understanding the content of the chapters. They will be bolded and defined via an in-text glossary the first time that they appear in the chapter.

Key terms for this chapter are:

  • Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC)-an umbrella term used to identity people of color most affected by White domination
  • Culture–shared meanings and shared experiences by members in a group, that are passed down over time with each generation
  • Decolonize–correcting distortions and exclusions created by White dominance
  • Ethnicity — social identity based on the culture of origin, ancestry, or affiliation with a cultural group
  • First language–the language an individual learns in early childhood
  • Gender–the socially constructed perceptions of what it means to be male, female or nonbinary in the way you present to society
  • Intersectionality–inequalities produced by simultaneous and intertwined social identities and how that influences the life course of an individual or group.
  • Origin–refers to the geographical location that a person was born and spent (at least) their early years in
  • Race–socially created and poorly defined categorization of people into groups on basis of real or perceived physical characteristics that has been used to oppress some groups
  • Religion–shared systems of beliefs and values, symbols, feelings, actions, experiences, and a source of community unity
  • Sex– a biological descriptor involving chromosomes, primary, and secondary reproductive organs.
  • Sexuality–a person’s emotional, romantic, erotic, physical, and spiritual attractions toward another in relation to their own sex or gender.Sexuality exists on a continuum or multiple continuums
  • Spirituality–connection to something larger than you (a higher power), a quest for meaning, and a commitment to live each day in a sacred manner
  • Whitewashing–focusing on the accomplishments of White people and groups,and excluding BIPOC strengths and accomplishments

2.2.3 Licenses and Attributions for Learning Objectives and Key Terms Open Content, Original

“Learning Objectives and Key Terms” by Elizabeth B. Pearce is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


Introduction to Human Services 2e Copyright © by Elizabeth B. Pearce. All Rights Reserved.

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