
3.2 Learning Objectives and Key Terms

Elizabeth B. Pearce

3.2.1 Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize the value of codes of ethical standards.
  2. Describe the NOHS Code of Ethical Standards.
  3. Relate the NOHS Code of Ethical Standards to laws, policies, personal values and the NASW Ethical Code.
  4. Apply the Code of Ethical Standards to identified dilemmas.

3.2.2 Key Terms

Key terms are important vocabulary for understanding the content of the chapters. They will be bolded and defined via an in-text glossary the first time that they appear in the chapter.

Key terms for this chapter are:

  • Code of ethics: one of the distinguishing features of a profession, it sets standards and values for workers to uphold.
  • Dilemma: a situation in which one has to make a choice between two options that have competing values and are equally unfavorable.
  • Ethics: moral principles.
  • National Association of Social Workers (NASW): a professional organization for social workers and those studying social work.
  • National Organization of Human Services (NOHS): a professional association for human services professionals and those studying human services.
  • Professionalism: the conduct, qualities, and qualifications recognized as part of a profession.
  • Social Problem: any condition or behavior that has negative consequences for large numbers of people and that is generally recognized as a condition or behavior that needs to be addressed. Multiple factors contribute to the complexity of social problems. Typically the solution to the problem needs to be systemic in nature; in other words, it cannot be solved by any one individual.
  • Standards: Agreed upon level of quality in selected areas.

3.2.3 Licenses and Attributions for Learning Objectives and Key Terms Open Content, Original

“Learning Objectives and Key Terms” by Elizabeth B. Pearce is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


Introduction to Human Services 2e Copyright © by Elizabeth B. Pearce. All Rights Reserved.

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