
Detailed Outline

The following detailed outline lists the sequence of topics and sub-topics covered in each chapter. We hope that reviewing this sequence will help future educators who may wish to adapt parts of the textbook for a specific course or project. Please note that the Pressbooks Table of Contents offers a high-level outline of this sequence, whereas this detailed outline shows each subtopic. Content can also be located by keyword by searching this book (upper right).

  1. Chapter 1: Gender as a Sociological Concept
    1. Chapter Introduction
      1. Chapter Overview: Thinking About Gender as a Sociological Concept
      2. Key Terms
      3. Learning Objectives
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Introduction
        1. Open Content, Original
    2. What Is Sociology?
      1. Sociological Perspectives
        1. Beginner’s Mind
        2. Culture Shock
        3. Sociological Imagination
        4. Sociological Mindfulness
      2. Identifying Patterns
      3. Let’s Review
      4. Licenses and Attributions for What Is Sociology?
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Social Sciences and Systems of Power
      1. Sociology as an Evidence-Based Discipline
      2. Critique of the Scientific Process
      3. Reflexivity and Interpretive Frameworks
      4. Let’s Review
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Social Sciences and Systems of Power
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Applying Sociology to the Study of Gender
      1. Real But Not True
      2. The Gender Binary
      3. Gender Inequality and Patriarchy
      4. Theories of Gender
      5. Let’s Review
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Applying Sociology to the Study of Gender
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Why Study Sociology of Gender?
      1. Patterns of Inequality
      2. Working for Change and Future Activism
      3. LEARN MORE: Organizing for Social Justice
      4. Let’s Review
      5. Looking Through the Lens: Reflexivity
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Why Study Sociology of Gender?
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    6. Conclusion
      1. Review of Learning Objectives
      2. Questions For Discussion
      3. Real But Not True: Check-in
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Conclusion
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References
  2. Chapter 2: Gender as a Social Construct
    1. Chapter Introduction
      1. Chapter Overview: What Determines Gender?
      2. Key Terms
      3. Learning Objectives
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Introduction
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    2. A Process, and a System, and a Social Institution
      1. Gender as a Process
      2. LEARN MORE: Gender Expansive Parenting
      3. Gender as a System of Stratification
      4. LEARN MORE: Gender Stratification
      5. Gender as a Social Institution
      6. Let’s Review
      7. Licenses and Attributions for A Process, and a System, and a Social Institution
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Sexual Differentiation
      1. The Chemistry Of Reproduction
      2. Sexual Variation
      3. Learn More: Sex Development and Best Interests
      4. Common Social Constructs of Sex and Gender
      5. Real But Not True: Binary Sexual Differentiation
      6. Let’s Review
      7. Licenses and Attributions for Sexual Differentiation
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. Constructing Identity
      1. Sociological Theories of Self-Development
      2. Gender Identity
      3. Misgendering
      4. Let’s Review
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Constructing Identity
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Gender Expression
      1. Masculinities
      2. Femininities
      3. Beyond the Binary
      4. Let’s Review
      5. Looking Through the Lens: Barbie and the Deconstruction of Gender
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Gender Expression
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Conclusion
      1. Review of Learning Objectives
      2. Questions for Discussion
      3. Real But Not True: Check-in
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Conclusion
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References
  3. Chapter 3: Gender, Sex and Sexuality
    1. Chapter Introduction
      1. Chapter Overview: Let’s Talk About Sex
      2. Key Terms
      3. Learning Objectives
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Introduction
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Sexuality and the Sociological Imagination
      1. Early Research: What is Normal?
      2. Real But Not True: Sex Outside of Marriage
      3. Sexual Scripts
      4. LEARN MORE: Racialized Sexual Scripts
      5. Pleasure, Work, and Power
        1. Orgasms
        2. Sex Work
        3. Monogamy
      6. LEARN MORE: Polyamory, Monogamy and Power
      7. Let’s Review
      8. Licenses and Attributions for Sex and the Sociological Imagination
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Who Do You Love?
      1. Gay Liberation
      2. Coming Out
      3. Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation
      4. LEARN MORE: Queer Gender Expression
      5. Let’s Review
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Who Do You Love?
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Sexual Violence and Patriarchy
      1. Select Sexual Violence Statistics from The National Sexual Assault Resource Center (NSARC).
      2. Sexual Violence as a Social Problem
      3. The Sexual Violence Continuum
      4. A Social-Ecological Approach to Preventing Sexual Violence
      5. LEARN MORE: Ecological Systems Theory
      6. Let’s Review
      7. Looking Through the Lens: The Gender Unicorn
      8. Licenses and Attributions for Sexual Violence and Patriarchy
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Conclusion
      1. Review Learning Objectives
      2. Questions for Discussion
      3. Real But Not True: Check-in
      4. Let’s Review
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Conclusion
        1. Open Content, Original
    6. References
  4. Chapter 4: Gender in Theory
    1. Chapter Introduction
      1. Chapter Overview: Women in Sociology
      2. Key Terms
      3. Learning Objectives
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Introduction
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Early Theoretical Perspectives
      1. Structural Functionalism
      2. Conflict Theory
      3. Symbolic Interactionist
      4. LEARN MORE: Major Theorists
      5. Let’s Review
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Early Theoretical Perspectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Feminist Activism and Theory
      1. First Wave Feminism
      2. Second-Wave Feminism
      3. LEARN MORE: Students in The Civil Rights Movement
      4. Third Wave Feminism
      5. LEARN MORE:Gender Conflict Theory
      6. Let’s Review
      7. Licenses and Attributions for Feminist Activism and Theory
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives
      1. Learn More: Othering and Belonging
      2. Post Structuralism, Gender, Sexuality and Embodiment
      3. Queer Theory
      5. Crip Theory and Disability Justice
      6. LEARN MORE: Disability Justice
      7. Let’s Review
      8. Licenses and Attributions for Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Theorizing the Gender Wage Gap
      1. Early Theoretical Perspectives
      2. Feminist Theoretical Perspectives
      3. LEARN MORE: Body Labor
      4. Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives and the Gender Pay Gap
      5. Real But Not True: The Gender Wage Gap
      6. LEARN MORE: Transnational Mothers
      7. Let’s Review
      8. Looking Through the Lens: Queer Theory
      9. Licenses and Attributions for Theorizing the Gender Pay Gap
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Conclusion
      1. Review Learning Objectives
      2. Questions For Discussion
      3. Real But Not True: Check-in
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Conclusion
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References
  5. Chapter 5: Gender and Power
    1. Chapter Introduction
      1. Chapter Overview: Locating Gendered Power
      2. LEARN MORE: Intimate Partner Violence
      3. Key Terms
      4. Learning Objectives
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Introduction
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Gender in Unequal Systems of Power
      1. Four Domains of Power
      2. LEARN MORE: Safety Planning for IPV
      3. Social Identity + Privilege or Marginalization = Social Location
      4. LEARN MORE: Privilege
      5. Intersectionality: Complex Hierarchies of Privilege and Marginalization
      6. Learn More: Intersectionality
      7. Let’s Review
      8. Licenses and Attributions for Gender in Unequal Systems of Power
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Individuals within Gender-Based Systems of Power
      1. Tokenism
      2. Microaggressions
      3. Learn More: Microaggressions
      4. Internalized Oppression
      5. Let’s Review
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Individuals Within Gender-based Systems of Power
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Gender in Global Systems of Power
      1. Learn More: Africa
      2. Capitalist Heteropatriarchy
      3. White Supremacy and Settler Colonialism
      4. Impacts on Indigenous Genders and Sexualities
      5. Learn More: Decolonizing Gender
      6. Real But Not True: Binary Gender
      7. Let’s Review
      8. Licenses and Attributions for Gender in Global Systems of Power
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Shifting Power
      1. Social Change
      2. Social Movements
      3. De-centering heteropatriarchy
      4. LEARN MORE: Prison Abolition
      5. Let’s Review
      6. Looking Through the Lens: The Matrix of Power and Intimate Partner Violence
      7. Licenses and Attributions for Shifting Power
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Conclusion
      1. Review Learning Objectives
      2. Questions For Discussion
      3. Real But Not True: Check-in
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Conclusion
        1. Open Content, Original
    7. References


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Sociology of Gender: An Equity Lens Copyright © by Heidi Esbensen and Nora Karena is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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