
Exercise 3.1 Warmup

You will now start with some practice lines and warm up exercises to help get you started.

Materials needed:

  • pencils – 4H, HB, B4, and woodless graphite pencils
  • paper – 1/4 of a page in your sketch book


Time to complete: 10 minutes, or 2-5 minutes for each type of warm up. These should be quick. These are fast lines, so they shouldn’t appear like you slowly traced something. Use the full 10 minutes to work on these warmup exercises.


    1. Use various hard and soft pencils to draw a dozen or more quick long lines with various amounts of pressure. Be thoughtful about not pushing so hard that you dent your paper. This exercise is to help determine how various levels of pencil hardness perform. Also, try out holding the pencils in different ways and utilizing different parts of your arm.
    2. Draw a dozen or more lines, both thin and thick, using a sharp tip or the side of the lead to vary the line width. Also, try out the woodless graphite pencil.
    3. Draw a dozen or more lines at varying angles.
    4. Draw three figure eights – one horizontal, one vertical, and one at an angle. Go around each one at least a dozen times quickly.



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