Exercise 5.3 Line Drawing of a Sailboat
You will draw a basic line drawing of the image of a sailboat. The drawing process should use a slow and methodical approach with an emphasis on accuracy, it is not a quick sketch. There are many long curved lines in this subject, which will need to be dealt with. The trick for getting these long curves accurate is to locate their correct end points.
Materials needed:
- Pencils – both 4H and HB
- One quarter of your drawing pad
- Viewfinder and erasable marker
Time to complete: 40 minutes
You will draw the sailboat below and making sure the measurements are correct. The drawing will only need to be a line drawing. No shading is necessary. If you wish, you can develop the drawing as much as you like, however, the focus of this drawing is the main form.
- Start with a hard 4H pencil.
- The object should fill your drawing area as much as possible.
- Keep all setup lines and tick marks. Don’t erase any extra lines that were used. Try your best not to erase. The setup lines should be lightly done with your hard pencil. Do not push hard.
- After the lightly drawn object looks correct, go in and darken the main features with your HB pencil to darken the lines. Don’t trace around the entire object in one pass. Draw each section at a time and try not to push too hard on the pencil.
- Take a photo of the drawing with the rest of the exercises for chapter five once you complete all of them. Exercises 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 should all be in the same photo file.
Subject to draw:

Some helpful notes on drawing the boat:
- There are many angled lines in this object, however, many of them are curved. The curved lines could start out as a straight angled line from one point to another. Then the curve could be drawn in between the points.
- It may help to draw the boat portion (not sails and mast) as one big, leaning rectangular three dimensional box. Also, a line drawn down the middle of the box may help keep objects centered. This should be much lighter than the final line drawing.
A possible work flow for a similar subject (do not draw the image below with the two boats):