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Detailed Outline

The following detailed outline lists the sequence of topics and sub-topics covered in each chapter. We hope that reviewing this sequence will help future educators who may wish to adapt parts of the textbook for a specific course or project. Please note that the Pressbooks Table of Contents offers a high-level outline of this sequence, whereas this detailed outline shows each subtopic. Content can also be located by keyword by searching this book (upper right).

  1. Chapter 1: An Overview: Human Services
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Land and Labor Acknowledgement
      2. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals
      3. Learning Objectives
      4. Key Terms
      5. Licenses and Attributions
    2. What Is Human Services?
      1. Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Approach
      2. Equity, Equality, Social Justice, and Inclusion
      3. Human Services and Related Fields
        1. Sociology and Psychology
        2. Criminal Legal System
        3. Public Health, Education, and Early Childhood Education
        4. Professional Associations and Licensing
      4. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved
    3. Theories, Practices, and Concepts Central to Human Services
      1. Why Theories and Research Matter
      2. Ecological Systems Theory
      3. Stories from Human Service Work: Marlene
        1. Microsystem
      4. Stories from Human Service Work: Marlene
        1. Mesosystem
      5. Stories from Human Service Work: Marlene
        1. Exosystem
      6. Stories from Human Service Work: Marlene
        1. Macrosystem
      7. Stories from Human Service Work: Marlene
        1. Chronosystem
      8. Stories from Human Service Work: Marlene
      9. Evidence-Based Practice
      10. Strengths-Based Approach
      11. Cultural Responsiveness
      12. Where Theory and Practice Meet
        1. Micro Level
        2. Mezzo (Meso) Level
        3. Macro Level
      13. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. Characteristics Needed for Human Services Work
      1. Empathy
      2. Activity: Empathy
      3. Congruence and Unconditional Positive Regard
      4. Activity: Self-Assess Your Strengths and Challenges
      5. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Key Takeaways and Discussion Questions
      1. Key Takeaways
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Comprehension Check
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    6. References
  2. Chapter 2: Historical Context and Contemporary Focus
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals
      2. The Contributions of Scholars from the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare
      3. Learning Objectives
      4. Key Terms
      5. Licenses and Attributions
    2. Understanding the Historical Context of Human Services in the United States
      1. Why History Matters
        1. Origins of the Profession Intertwined with Racism
      2. The Crowned White Founders of Social Welfare
      3. Black Social Welfare Forerunners
      4. Modern-Day BIPOC Leaders and Scholars
      5. Licenses and Attributions
    3. Integrating and Honoring BIPOC Contributions
      1. The Role of Education
      2. Understanding and Dismantling White Supremacy
      3. How Can Students Make a Difference?
      4. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. Diversity and the Human Services Profession
      1. Dimensions of Diversity
      2. Culture
      3. Race
      4. Ethnicity
      5. Origin and First Language
      6. Gender and Sex
      7. Sexuality
      8. Age
      9. Socioeconomic Status
      10. Ability and Disability
      11. Religion and Spirituality
      12. Privilege and the Dimensions of Diversity
      13. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
        2. All Rights Reserved
    5. Social Construction of Difference
      1. Social Construction of Race
      2. Social Construction of Other Identities
      3. Intersectionality
      4. Cultural Humility and Cultural Competence
      5. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
        2. All Rights Reserved
    6. Key Takeaways and Discussion Questions
      1. Key Takeaways
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Comprehension Check
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    7. References
  3. Chapter 3: Trauma and Support Practices
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Key Terms
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    2. Trauma: A Common Experience
      1. Defining Trauma
      2. Events, Experiences, and Effects of Trauma
      3. Attachment Theory
      4. Trauma-Informed Care
      5. Assumptions of Trauma-Informed Care
      6. Key Principles of Trauma-Informed Care
      7. Restorative Justice vs. Restorative Practice
      8. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved
    3. Trauma and the Human Service Professional: Resilience
      1. Trauma Exposure
      2. A Holistic Wellness Approach
      3. Activity: Self-Care and Community-Care Reflection
        1. Increasing Health and Well-Being
        2. Promoting Happiness and Reducing Stress
        3. Getting Support from Mentors
        4. Developing Supportive Peer Relationships
      4. Developing a Self-Care and Community-Care Mindset
      5. Mindfulness
      6. Trauma Stewardship
      7. Activity: Beyond the Cliff
      8. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. Key Takeaways and Discussion Questions
      1. Key Takeaways
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Comprehension Check
      4. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
    5. References
  4. Chapter 4: Ethical Standards
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Key Terms
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    2. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals
      1. Structure of NOHS Ethical Standards: Two Sections
      2. Preamble
      3. Ethical Standards
      4. Professional Responsibilities
      5. Responsibility to Clients
      6. Responsibility to the Public and Society
      7. Responsibility to Colleagues
      8. Responsibility to Employers
      9. Responsibility to the Profession
      10. Responsibility to Self
      11. Responsibility to Students
      12. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    3. Complexities of Ethical Behavior
      1. Privacy, Confidentiality, and Safety
      2. Social Justice
      3. Immersed in Values
      4. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. Ethical Decision Making
      1. Activity: Ethical Dilemmas
      2. Dilemma One: Fundraising
      3. Dilemma Two: Pediatric Surgery
      4. Dilemma Three: Work Expectations
      5. Which Codes of Ethics Will You Use?
      6. Licenses and Attributions
    5. Key Takeaways and Discussion Questions
      1. Key Takeaways
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Comprehension Check
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    6. References
  5. Chapter 5: Social Safety Net Programs, Community Organizations, and Social Issues
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Key Terms
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    2. Social Welfare or Safety Net?
      1. Safety Net Program Work and Its People
      2. The Developmental View of Social Welfare
      3. Black Panther Party: Social Support Programs Began in BIPOC Communities
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    3. What Is a Social Issue?
      1. Objectivity and Social Issues
      2. Subjectivity and Social Problems
      3. Social Problems and Human Services
      4. Activity: How Can You Tell If Something Is a Social Issue?
      5. Licenses and Attributions
    4. Social Welfare Programs
      1. Supplemental Security Income
      2. Medicaid
      3. Housing Choice Voucher Program
      4. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
      5. Healthy Meals for Healthy Americans
      6. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
      7. Licenses and Attributions
    5. Social Insurance Programs
      1. Social Security Disability Insurance
      2. Medicare
      3. Social Security
      4. Unemployment Insurance
      5. Workers’ Compensation
      6. Activity: Is the U.S. Really a Meritocracy?
      7. Conclusion: Progress and Change
      8. Licenses and Attributions
    6. Key Takeaways and Discussion Questions
      1. Key Takeaways
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Comprehension Check
      4. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    7. References
  6. Chapter 6: Models of Care: Medical, Public Health and Human Services
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Key Terms
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    2. Understanding Health-Care Settings
      1. Models of Care
      2. Health and Well-Being
      3. Dimensions of Diversity and Health Disparities
      4. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    3. Organization of Health Care Services
      1. Services That Address Social Support Needs
      2. Services Embedded in an Institutional Setting
      3. Services That Serve a Specific Population
      4. Grace Center for Adult Day Services in Corvallis, Oregon
      5. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. Health and Health Insurance
      1. Access to Health Care Coverage and Insurance
      2. Case Study: Tahir
      3. Licenses and Attributions
    5. Working in Health Care
      1. Remediation, Intervention, Prevention
      2. Human Services Jobs in Health Care
        1. Medical Social Workers
        2. Emergency Room Social Workers
        3. Hospice and Palliative Care Social Workers
        4. Pediatric Social Workers
        5. Public Health Work
        6. Community Social Workers
      3. Healthcare and Community Partnerships
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    6. Key Takeaways and Discussion Questions
      1. Key Takeaways
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Comprehension Check
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    7. References
  7. Chapter 7: Mental Health
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Key Terms
      4. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
    2. Mental Health and Connection to Human Services
      1. What Are Mental Health Disorders, Mental Health, and Mental Wellness?
      2. How Common Are Mental Health Disorders?
      3. What Can Be Done to Support People with Mental Health Disorders?
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    3. Historical Context of Mental Health Treatment
      1. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
        2. All Rights Reserved
    4. Current Practices and Settings
      1. Inpatient and Outpatient Settings
      2. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)
      3. The Multidisciplinary Provider Health Team
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    5. The Label, Not the Person
      1. Quick Reference Guide to DSM-5-TR Diagnoses
      2. Suicide: We Need to Say the Word
      3. Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, or Self-Harm
      4. Working with Womxn
      5. LGBTQIA2S+ Clients
      6. Self-care and Community Care
      7. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    6. Key Takeaways and Discussion Questions
      1. Key Takeaways
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Comprehension Check
      4. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Original
    7. References
  8. Chapter 8: Families, Children, and Schools
    1. Chapter Overview
      1. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals
      2. Licenses and Attributions
      3. Learning Objectives
      4. Key Terms
      5. Licenses and Attributions
    2. Families
      1. Structures
      2. Functions
      3. Socialization
      4. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    3. Serving Children and Families
      1. Human Services and Schools
      2. Case Study: Creative Solutions
      3. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. School-Based Human Services Programs
      1. Mental Health Programs
      2. Houselessness and McKinney Vento Act
      3. Special Education Programs
      4. IDEA
      5. Youth Programs
      6. Licenses and Attributions
      7. Technology Programs
      8. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Human Services and Child Welfare
      1. Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
      2. Child and Family Services
      3. Out-of-Home Placements
      4. Exiting Care
      5. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
        2. All Rights Reserved
    6. Key Takeaways and Discussion Questions
      1. Key Takeaways
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Comprehension Check
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    7. References
  9. Chapter 9: Becoming A Professional
    1. Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
      1. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals
      2. Learning Objectives
      3. Key Terms
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    2. Finding Your Fit
      1. Understanding Yourself
      2. Personal Values
      3. Positionality
      4. A Personal Story: That’s Not What a Professional Looks Like
      5. Professionalism: Ten Ways White Supremacy Lied to Us All
      6. Organizations and Associations
      7. Licenses and Attributions
    3. The Value of Field Education
      1. Conducting Informational Interviews
      2. Internships/Practicum Experiences
      3. Identifying Mentors
      4. Thinking About Fieldwork
      5. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
        2. Open Content, Original
    4. Organizational Culture in Field Sites and Workplaces
      1. Formal Organizational Culture
      2. Activity: Web Page Analysis
      3. Informal Organizational Culture
      4. Organizational Culture Framework
      5. Organizational Culture and Inclusion
      6. Restorative Practices within the Workplace
      7. Licenses and Attributions
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved
    5. Education and Career
      1. How Degrees and Licenses Function
      2. Links to Information on Licenses and Certifications
      3. Variance in Degree and License Qualifications
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    6. Key Takeaways and Discussion Questions
      1. Key Takeaways
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Comprehension Check
      4. Licenses and Attributions
    7. References

Licenses and Attributions

Additional Resources by Open Oregon Educational Resources is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


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Introduction to Human Services: An Equity Lens 2e Copyright © by Elizabeth B. Pearce and Martha Ochoa Leyva is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.