Book Title: Contemporary Families: An Equity Lens 2e

Book Description: This openly licensed text, created with students, approaches the current status of contemporary families in the U.S. from an equity lens. It asks and answers the questions “What do families need?” and “How do society and institutions support or get in the way of families getting what they need?" Original content is licensed under CC BY, except as otherwise noted. More specific information can be found under Licenses and Attributions at the bottom of each section. Scroll down to access the Table of Contents. Print copy:
Book Information
Book Description
This openly licensed text approaches contemporary families from an equity lens. It was created by a Human Development and Family Services (HDFS) faculty member and 13 students from a variety of majors at Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC), using an open pedagogy approach. It asks two questions relevant to the Difference, Power, and Discrimination outcomes at LBCC: “What do families need?” and “ How do society and institutions support or get in the way of families getting what they need?” This book includes remixed content. Please note that some sections may have more restrictive licenses, and some all rights reserved content is included under fair use. More specific information can be found under Licenses and Attributions at the bottom of each section.
Contemporary Families: An Equity Lens 2e Copyright © by Elizabeth B. Pearce. All Rights Reserved.
Society and Social Sciences