
How to Use This Text – Instructors


As you are aware, EMTs must be prepared for an array of possible emergencies while on duty. This text is a tool for you and your students that includes instructions and recommended number of repetitions to obtain proficiency in every skill associated with the EMT Scope of Practice. The text is written based on Oregon EMT Scope of Practice; however, it can be utilized in any state the instructor deems appropriate.

We encourage you to utilize this text in its entirety, and only adjust as needed to fit your teaching style, program, and the needs of your students. The use of the text and each individual section is at the discretion of the lead instructor.

You may use this recommended skill numbers in each section to track student progress on skills. Completion of the text in its entirety will provide you and your students with the confidence that they are prepared to meet minimum competency requirements.


Each time a skill is performed by an individual or member of the team the student should be encouraged to obtain a witness initial and date in the box. We recommend a policy that defines a witness as a classmate, family member, field or clinical preceptor, or friend, and in some cases self-initiated.

Each skill has one initial box labeled “instructor” which should be initiated by a certified EMS professional, usually one part of your instructional team. Consider the initial of an instructor an endorsement of the learner’s proficiency at that skill.

Some skills have additional spaces for students to document details of the skill which may include vital sign readings, location of injury or technique used. It is best practice for the student to document every skill as this is the expectation in the profession.


We recommend this text have graded weight associated with completion. Assignments and grading are at the discretion of your lead instructor. Here’s an example of how the lead author assigns weight to this text in an EMT course:

Point Distribution:

*EMT Task Book 10%

*Clinical Paperwork 7.5%

(Charting, Call Log, Daily Eval)

Reflection Paper 2.5%

Chapter Quizzes 20%

Mid-Term Exam 20%

Final Exam 40%

*Denotes required assignments for NREMT approval

Errors, Omissions and Feedback:

The creation of the text is complicated. None of the contributors are perfect, the science changes, protocols and scope of practice can differ by medical director, county, state, and region. The goal for this project is to be a living tool, owned by the community of EMS educators and updated with the science.

If you find technical errors or would like to see components added to the text, please reach out to the authorship team. We will make changes and grow the text alongside your feedback. If you would like to join the team, we are always seeking additional authors, reviewers, and editors.

A feedback form to contact the authors is also available at this link.


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Oregon EMS Psychomotor Skills Lab Manual Copyright © 2023 by Chris Hamper, BS, NRP; Carmen Curtz, Paramedic, BS; Holly A. Edwins, Paramedic, B.S.; and Jamie Kennel, PhD, MAS, NRP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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