Exercise Answers: Module 16

Other Conversions

We will generally round these answers to three significant figures; your answer may be slightly different depending on which conversion ratio you used.

  1. 525,600 min
  2. this is roughly 31.7 years, which is indeed possible
  3. 37.6 km/hr
  4. 23.3 mi/hr
  5. 1,770 mi/hr
  6. 29.5 mi in 1 min
  7. 20.3 min
  8. 0.17 mi/gal
  9. 5.8 gal/mi
  10. 171 gal in 1 min
  11. the capacity increased by a factor of 14.4
  12. 4 times greater
  13. 1,200 megawatts per home
  14. 1 watt per gallon
  15. 2,500 times more powerful
  16. 0.4 ms, 0.04 ms, 0.004 ms; 400 μs, 40 μs, 4 μs
  17. the ratio of the wavelengths of red and infrared is 7 to 100;
    the ratio of the wavelengths of infrared and red is around 14 to 1
  18. this is equivalent to 2,500 chest x-rays

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