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Detailed Outline

The following detailed outline lists the sequence of topics and sub-topics covered in each chapter. We hope that reviewing this sequence will help future educators who may wish to adapt parts of the textbook for a specific course or project. Please note that the Pressbooks Table of Contents offers a high-level outline of this sequence, whereas this detailed outline shows each subtopic. Content can also be located by keyword by searching this book (upper right).

  1. Chapter 1: Introduction: The History of Mental Disorders
    1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Key Terms
      3. Chapter Overview
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
    2. Historical Perspective on Mental Disorders
      1. Early Treatment of Mental Disorders
      2. Mental Disorders in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era
      3. Reforming Treatment of Mental Disorders
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Historical Perspective on Mental Disorders
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    3. Mental Disorders in Modern Times: The Rise of Institutional Treatment
      1. The Creation of State Hospitals
      2. Oregon Institutions
      3. SPOTLIGHT: Carrie Buck and the Practice of Eugenics
      4. Racial Segregation in Institutions
      5. Treatment of Mental Disorders in the 1900s
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Mental Disorders in Modern Times: The Rise of Institutional Treatment
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Modern Developments: The Decline of Institutional Treatment
      1. SPOTLIGHT: The Oregon State Hospital, Then and Now
      2. Licenses and Attributions for Modern Developments: The Decline of Institutional Treatment
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Deinstitutionalization and Disability Rights
      1. SPOTLIGHT: Women Who Shaped the Disability Rights Movement
      2. Licenses and Attributions for Deinstitutionalization and Disability Rights
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Mental Disorders Post-Deinstitutionalization
      1. Inadequate Community Alternatives
      2. Links to Homelessness and Incarceration
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Mental Disorders Post-Deinstitutionalization
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    7. Chapter Summary
      1. Key Term Definitions
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
    8. References
  2. Chapter 2: Mental Disorders in the Criminal Justice System
    1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Key Terms
      3. Chapter Overview
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    2. Identification and Treatment of Mental Disorders
      1. Diagnosing Mental Disorders
      2. Caring for People with Mental Disorders
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Identification and Treatment of Mental Disorders,
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    3. Introduction to Specific Mental Disorders
      1. Anxiety Disorders
      2. Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders
      3. SPOTLIGHT: What is Trauma?
      4. Dissociative Disorders
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Introduction to Specific Mental Disorders
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Psychotic Disorders
      1. Schizophrenia
      2. Schizoaffective Disorder
      3. Delusional Disorders
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Psychotic Disorders
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Mood Disorders
      1. Bipolar Disorders
      2. Depressive Disorders
      3. Anosognosia in Mood and Psychotic Disorders
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Mood Disorders
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Personality Disorders and Paraphilic Disorders
      1. Personality Disorders
        1. Antisocial Personality Disorder
        2. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
        3. Borderline Personality Disorder
      2. Paraphilic Disorders
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Personality Disorders and Paraphilic Disorders
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    7. Mental Disorders Identified in Childhood
      1. Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders
        1. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
        2. Conduct Disorder
        3. Intermittent Explosive Disorder
      2. Neurodevelopmental Disorders
        1. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
        2. Autism Spectrum Disorder
        3. Intellectual Developmental Disorder (Intellectual Disability)
        4. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Mental Disorders Identified in Childhood
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    8. Neurocognitive Disorders
      1. Traumatic Brain Injury
      2. Dementia
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Neurocognitive Disorders
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    9. Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders
      1. Licenses and Attributions for Substance Use and Co-occurring Disorders
        1. Open Content, Previously Shared
    10. Additional Behavioral Considerations
      1. Malingering
      2. Psychopathy
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Additional Behavioral Considerations
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    11. Chapter Summary
      1. Key Term Definitions
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
    12. References
  3. Chapter 3: Disability Activism and the Rights of People with Mental Disorders
    1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Key Terms
      3. Chapter Overview
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Overview of Federal Disability Law
      1. SPOTLIGHT: Timeline of Important Disability Laws
      2. The Criminal Justice System in Context
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Overview of Federal Disability Law
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. The Americans with Disabilities Act
      1. Activism and Ableism
      2. SPOTLIGHT: Section 504 and Disability Activism
      3. Coverage of the ADA
      4. Mental Disorders as ADA Disabilities
      5. Licenses and Attributions for The Americans with Disabilities Act
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, All Rights Reserved
    4. The ADA in the Criminal Justice System
      1. ADA Title II: Regulation of State and Local Governments
      2. Accommodation and Modification
      3. ADA Protection for All: Victims, Witnesses, and Employees
      4. Licenses and Attributions for The ADA in the Criminal Justice System
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Government Enforcement of Disability Rights
      1. DOJ Enforcement Related to Mental Disorders
      2. Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Government Enforcement of Disability Rights
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, All Rights Reserved
    6. Individual Enforcement of Civil Rights
      1. ADA Enforcement Lawsuits
      2. Outcomes in Civil Rights Lawsuits
      3. Constitutional Claims: Right to Care and Treatment
      4. SPOTLIGHT: Integration of People with Mental Disorders: The Olmstead Case
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Individual Enforcement of Civil Rights
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. Open Content, All Rights Reserved
    7. Chapter Summary
      1. Key Term Definitions
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
    8. References
  4. Chapter 4: Reducing Criminalization of Mental Disorders
    1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Key Terms
      3. Chapter Overview
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    2. Criminalization of Mental Disorders
      1. The Roots of Criminalization
      2. Criminalization Today
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Criminalization of Mental Disorders
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    3. The Costs of Criminalization
      1. Financial Costs of Criminalization
      2. Human Costs of Criminalization
      3. Awareness of Human Costs
      4. SPOTLIGHT: Homelessness and Criminalization of Mental Disorders
      5. Licenses and Attributions for The Costs of Criminalization
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Diversion from the Criminal Justice System
      1. SPOTLIGHT: Solutions Not Suspensions
      2. Licenses and Attributions for Diversion from the Criminal Justice System
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Sequential Intercept Model
      1. Community Services (Intercept 0)
      2. Law Enforcement (Intercept 1)
      3. Initial Detention and Initial Court Hearings (Intercept 2)
      4. Jails and Courts (Intercept 3)
      5. SPOTLIGHT: Mental Health Courts
      6. Reentry (Intercept 4) and Community Corrections (Intercept 5)
      7. Licenses and Attributions for Sequential Intercept Model
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Chapter Summary
      1. Key Term Definitions
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
    7. References
  5. Chapter 5: Crisis Response and Law Enforcement: Safer Communities for People with Mental Disorders
    1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Key Terms
      3. Chapter Overview
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    2. Policing People with Mental Disorders
      1. Role of Untreated Mental Disorders
      2. Impact of Substance Use Disorders and Homelessness
      3. Police as Crisis Responders
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Policing People with Mental Disorders
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Reducing Police Encounters: Crisis Response Systems
      1. Crisis Lines
        1. Lifeline: 988
        2. Local Crisis Lines
      2. Mobile Crisis Response Teams
        1. Project Respond
        2. Portland Street Response
      4. Crisis Stabilization Centers
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Reducing Police Encounters: Crisis Response
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Crisis Prevention: Help and Treatment
      1. Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
      2. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT)
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Crisis Prevention: Help and Treatment
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Crisis Services for Special Populations
      1. Licenses and Attributions for Crisis Services for Special Populations
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Improving Police Encounters
      1. Use of Force in Crisis Encounters
      2. Crisis Intervention Team Training
        1. Development of the CIT Approach
        2. Crisis Training Objectives
        3. Focus on De-escalation
      3. SPOTLIGHT: A Death in Portland
      4. Specialty Units and Co-Responder Teams
        1. Behavioral Health Officer
        2. Co-Response Team
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Improving Police Encounters
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. Open Content, All Rights Reserved
    7. Chapter Summary
      1. Key Term Definitions
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
    8. References
  6. Chapter 6: Mental Disorders in the Criminal Courts: Competence and Insanity
    1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Key Terms
      3. Chapter Overview
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
    2. Competence to Stand Trial
      1. Requirement of Competence
      2. Competence as a Constitutional Issue
      3. Legal Standard for Competence
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Competence to Stand Trial
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. Open Content, All Rights Reserved
    3. Establishing Competence
      1. Assessing Competence
      2. Restoration of Competence
      3. Alternatives to Restoration
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Establishing Competence
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Insanity as a Criminal Defense
      1. Excuse Versus Justification Defense
      2. Formulations of the Insanity Defense
        1. The M’Naghten Rule
        2. The Irresistible Impulse Test
        3. The Durham Rule
        4. The Model Penal Code Rule
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Insanity as a Criminal Defense
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Use of the Insanity Defense
      1. Prerequisites and Barriers to Defense of Insanity
        1. Proof of Insanity
        2. Defense Barriers
        3. Prosecution Barriers
        4. Systemic Bias
      2. SPOTLIGHT: John Hinkley Jr. and the Insanity Defense
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Use of the Insanity Defense
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    6. Insanity and Criminal Sentencing
      1. Mental Disorders and the Death Penalty
      2. SPOTLIGHT: Earl Washington
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Insanity and Criminal Sentencing
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    7. Chapter Summary
      1. Key Term Definitions
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
    8. References
  7. Chapter 7: Rethinking Incarceration for People with Mental Disorders
    1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Key Terms
      3. Chapter Overview
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    2. Custodial Environments for People with Mental Disorders
      1. Incarceration in Jail
      2. Incarceration in Prison
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Custodial Environments for People with Mental Disorders
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. The Problem of Solitary Confinement
      1. Overuse of Solitary Confinement
      2. Harms of Solitary Confinement
      3. SPOTLIGHT: Solitary Confinement in Federal Prisons
      4. Licenses and Attributions for The Problem of Solitary Confinement
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Staffing in Jails and Prisons
      1. Licenses and Attributions for Staffing in Jails and Prisons
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    5. Legal Right to Care in Custody
      1. Eighth Amendment and Deliberate Indifference
      2. Access to Mental Health Care
      3. Right to Refuse Care
      4. SPOTLIGHT: Preventing Suicide in Jail
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Legal Right to Care in Custody
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Ensuring Care for People with Mental Disorders in Custody
      1. Assessing Needs and Risks
      2. Planning Treatment and Services
      3. Identifying Programs
      4. Coordinating Transition Plans
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Ensuring Care for People with Mental Disorders in Custody
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    7. Substance Use Treatment in Custody
      1. Availability of Substance Use Treatment in Custody
      2. Medication Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
      3. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) in Custody
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Substance Use Treatment in Custody
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    8. Chapter Summary
      1. Key Term Definitions
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
    9. References
  8. Chapter 8: Successful Community Reentry for People with Mental Disorders
    1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Key Terms
      3. Chapter Overview
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    2. Reentry Population
      1. Licenses and Attributions for Reentry Population
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    3. Successful Reentry
      1. Licenses and Attributions for Successful Reentry
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. Achieving Success in Reentry
      1. Responding to Risk and Needs
      2. Additional Needs: Housing and Employment
      3. SPOTLIGHT: Reentry Support Programs
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Achieving Success in Reentry
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Interventions for Successful Reentry
      1. Medications for Substance Use: MOUD and MAUD
        1. Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
        2. Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder
        3. Outcomes Associated With MOUD and MAUD
      2. Case Management Services
        1. Case Management Guidelines
        2. Case Management Outcomes
      3. Peer Support and Patient Navigation
        1. Peer Support
        2. Patient Navigation
        3. Peer Support and Patient Navigation Outcomes
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Interventions for Successful Reentry
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    6. Implementing Effective Reentry Programs
      1. Need for Training
      2. Monitoring and Evaluation
      3. Equitable Implementation
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Implementing Effective Reentry Programs
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    7. Best Practices for Reentry Services
      1. Unifying Case Plan
      2. Preparation and Rapport
      3. In-Person Community Connections
      4. Range of Services
      5. Preparation for Re-incarceration
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Best Practices for Reentry Programs
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    8. Success: Movement from Incarceration
      1. Felton SMI Participants
      2. Felton SMI Staff
      3. Felton SMI Approaches and Outcomes
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Success: Movement from Incarceration
        1. Open Content, Shared Previously
    9. Chapter Summary
      1. Key Term Definitions
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
    10. References
  9. Chapter 9: When Courts Order Treatment: Civil and Criminal Commitments
    1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Key Terms
      3. Chapter Overview
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
    2. Fundamentals of Civil Commitment
      1. Civil Commitment Process Overview
      2. Emergency Hold
      3. Court Involvement
      4. Diversion from Commitment
      5. Findings Required for Commitment
      6. Commitment and Treatment
      7. Licenses and Attributions for Fundamentals of Civil Commitment
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. The Role of Civil Commitment
      1. Commitment as a Threat to Freedom
      2. Commitment as a Safety Measure
      3. Licenses and Attributions for The Role of Civil Commitment
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. Open Content, All Rights Reserved
    4. Legal Limits on Civil Commitment
      1. The Requirement of Danger
      2. Clear and Convincing Proof
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Legal Limits on Civil Commitment
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    5. Commitments in Criminal Proceedings
      1. Commitment to Restore Competence
      2. Extremely Dangerous and Resistant to Treatment
      3. Commitment After Insanity Defense
      4. SPOTLIGHT: The Criminal Commitment of Andrea Yates
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Commitments in Criminal Proceedings
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. Open Content, All Rights Reserved
    6. Post-Conviction Commitments
      1. Licenses and Attributions for Post-Conviction Commitments
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    7. Chapter Summary
      1. Key Term Definitions
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
    8. References
  10. Chapter 10: Opportunities, Rewards and Challenges in the Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Fields
    1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Key Terms
      3. Chapter Overview
      4. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    2. Criminal Justice Careers
      1. Law Enforcement and Beyond
      2. Legal Services
      3. Corrections Roles
      4. Victim Support and Advocacy
      5. Licenses and Attributions for Criminal Justice Careers
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    3. Behavioral Health Careers
      1. Mental Health Professionals
      2. Substance Use Counselors
      3. Peer Support Workers
      4. Mental Health Counselors and Social Workers
      5. Psychologists
      6. Licenses and Attributions for Behavioral Health Careers
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. All Rights Reserved Content
    4. Medical Careers
      1. Licenses and Attributions for Medical Careers
        1. Open Content, Original
    5. Career Rewards and Challenges
      1. Compassion Satisfaction
      2. Workplace Trauma
      3. Post-traumatic Stress from Workplace Trauma
      4. Effects of Indirect Trauma at Work
      5. Workplace Burnout
      6. SPOTLIGHT: Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue in Law Enforcement
      7. Building Resilience
      8. Licenses and Attributions for Career Rewards and Challenges
        1. Open Content, Original
        2. Open Content, Shared Previously
        3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. Chapter Summary
      1. Key Term Definitions
      2. Discussion Questions
      3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Summary
    7. References

Licenses and attributions for Additional Resources

Additional Resources by Open Oregon Educational Resources is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


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Mental Disorders and the Criminal Justice System Copyright © by Anne Nichol is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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