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Detailed Outline
The following detailed outline lists the sequence of topics and sub-topics covered in each chapter. We hope that reviewing this sequence will help future educators who may wish to adapt parts of the textbook for a specific course or project. Please note that the Pressbooks Table of Contents offers a high-level outline of this sequence, whereas this detailed outline shows each subtopic. Content can also be located by keyword by searching this book (upper right).
- Chapter 1: Introduction: The History of Mental Disorders
- Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
- Historical Perspective on Mental Disorders
- Mental Disorders in Modern Times: The Rise of Institutional Treatment
- Modern Developments: The Decline of Institutional Treatment
- Deinstitutionalization and Disability Rights
- Mental Disorders Post-Deinstitutionalization
- Chapter Summary
- References
- Chapter 2: Mental Disorders in the Criminal Justice System
- Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
- Identification and Treatment of Mental Disorders
- Introduction to Specific Mental Disorders
- Psychotic Disorders
- Mood Disorders
- Personality Disorders and Paraphilic Disorders
- Mental Disorders Identified in Childhood
- Neurocognitive Disorders
- Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders
- Additional Behavioral Considerations
- Chapter Summary
- References
- Chapter 3: Disability Activism and the Rights of People with Mental Disorders
- Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
- Overview of Federal Disability Law
- The Americans with Disabilities Act
- The ADA in the Criminal Justice System
- Government Enforcement of Disability Rights
- Individual Enforcement of Civil Rights
- Chapter Summary
- References
- Chapter 4: Reducing Criminalization of Mental Disorders
- Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
- Criminalization of Mental Disorders
- The Costs of Criminalization
- Diversion from the Criminal Justice System
- Sequential Intercept Model
- Community Services (Intercept 0)
- Law Enforcement (Intercept 1)
- Initial Detention and Initial Court Hearings (Intercept 2)
- Jails and Courts (Intercept 3)
- SPOTLIGHT: Mental Health Courts
- Reentry (Intercept 4) and Community Corrections (Intercept 5)
- Licenses and Attributions for Sequential Intercept Model
- Chapter Summary
- References
- Chapter 5: Crisis Response and Law Enforcement: Safer Communities for People with Mental Disorders
- Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
- Policing People with Mental Disorders
- Reducing Police Encounters: Crisis Response Systems
- Crisis Prevention: Help and Treatment
- Crisis Services for Special Populations
- Improving Police Encounters
- Chapter Summary
- References
- Chapter 6: Mental Disorders in the Criminal Courts: Competence and Insanity
- Chapter 7: Rethinking Incarceration for People with Mental Disorders
- Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
- Custodial Environments for People with Mental Disorders
- The Problem of Solitary Confinement
- Staffing in Jails and Prisons
- Legal Right to Care in Custody
- Ensuring Care for People with Mental Disorders in Custody
- Substance Use Treatment in Custody
- Chapter Summary
- References
- Chapter 8: Successful Community Reentry for People with Mental Disorders
- Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
- Reentry Population
- Successful Reentry
- Achieving Success in Reentry
- Interventions for Successful Reentry
- Implementing Effective Reentry Programs
- Best Practices for Reentry Services
- Success: Movement from Incarceration
- Chapter Summary
- References
- Chapter 9: When Courts Order Treatment: Civil and Criminal Commitments
- Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
- Fundamentals of Civil Commitment
- The Role of Civil Commitment
- Legal Limits on Civil Commitment
- Commitments in Criminal Proceedings
- Post-Conviction Commitments
- Chapter Summary
- References
- Chapter 10: Opportunities, Rewards and Challenges in the Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Fields
- Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
- Criminal Justice Careers
- Behavioral Health Careers
- Medical Careers
- Career Rewards and Challenges
- Chapter Summary
- References
Licenses and attributions for Additional Resources
Additional Resources by Open Oregon Educational Resources is licensed under CC BY 4.0.