
BIOLOGY 212 – Genetics

The Principles of Biology sequence (BI 211, 212, & 213) introduces biology as a scientific discipline for students planning to major in biology and other science disciplines.  Laboratories and classroom activities introduce techniques used to study biological processes and provide opportunities for students to develop their ability to conduct research. BI212 uses genetics as a model system to understand information flow in living organisms.

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to

  1. Apply the scientific method to biological questions by designing experiments and using the resulting data to form and communicate a conclusion.
    1. Design a controlled experiment to answer a biological question.
    2. Predict the outcome of an experiment.
    3. Collect, manipulate, and analyze quantitative and qualitative data.
    4. Answer a biological question using data.
    5. Use an appropriate written format to present scientific information.
    6. Use appropriate biological terminology to answer written and oral questions.
    7. Orally present results from an experiment.
  2. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the design of and conclusions drawn from scientific studies.
    1. Differentiate between questions that can and cannot be answered using science.
    2. Identify appropriate credible sources of information to research a topic.
    3. Evaluate sources of information for their strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Select, evaluate and utilize discipline-specific information and literature to research a biological topic.
    1. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their own as well as published experiments.
  4. Use evidence to develop informed opinions on contemporary biological issues while considering cultural and ethical implications.
    1. Research current ethical issues in genetics and biotechnology.
    2. Form opinions based on published scientific research.
  5. Apply biological theories and concepts to solve problems related to classical and molecular genetics.
    1. Describe the molecular basis of inheritance.
    2. Determine the outcome in crosses involving various types of inheritance (e.g. simple dominance, codominance, incomplete dominance, sex-linkage).
    3. Present and decipher information about trait information using a pedigree.
    4. Discuss the possible evolutionary consequences of various types of inheritance.
  6. Discuss the potential implications of mutations at the cellular, organismal, and evolutionary levels.
    1. Describe the structure of DNA and the process of DNA replication.
    2. Summarize the processes involved in protein synthesis.
    3. Describe how mutations affect the process of protein synthesis and its products.
    4. Discuss the possible evolutionary consequences of mutations.
  7. Describe the purpose of the regulation of gene expression and the mechanisms by which gene expression is regulated.
    1. Describe processes through which gene expression can be regulated.
    2. Differentiate between gene regulation processes used by prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
    3. Discuss the possible evolutionary consequences of changes in gene expression.


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Principles of Biology Copyright © 2017 by Lisa Bartee, Walter Shriner, and Catherine Creech is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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