
Chapter 2: Searching and Sampling – Becoming an Expert Web User

2.1 Exercise 1: Advanced searching in Google

  1. Open Google Image Search (http://images.google.com) in a web browser.
    Screen capture of the Google Search Engine home page. The Google logo is centered against a white background and a search field is located underneath the logo.
    Google Search Engine Interface
  2. Type the word “Bauhaus” into the search field and click the Search Images button. The search engine will return all images related to the word “Bauhaus.” The Bauhaus was a revolutionary arts and design school that operated in Germany from 1919 to 1933. The Bauhaus defined arts education for the 20th Century and beyond. You will learn more about the Bauhaus throughout this book.
    Screen capture of the Google Search Query interface with the word "Bauhaus" typed into the search field. Several common search queries for bauhaus are listed below the search field.
    Google Search Query
  3. Filter your results by file size. Click on the button labeled “Tools” on the toolbar below the search field. This will show a menu that will allow to you filter your results by size.
    Screen capture showing the Google search options, including the Tools button.
    Clicking Google’s Tools button will display a menu with several options for refining a search query.
  4. Click on the button labeled “Size”. This will bring up a list where you can choose from a range of small to extra large images. Select “large images,” and release the menu. The page will reload only showing images larger than 600×800 pixels and smaller than 1200×1600 pixels.
    Screen capture of a Google image search for Bauhaus, with the Size menu expanded and "Large" being selected as a size filter.
    Using the Size menu, you can refine your search to a few different image size ranges.
  5. Expect errors in your search results! Nearly every search result produces errors or results that don’t quite fit what you’re looking for. Sometimes errors follow a pattern that can be identified and excluded from the search query.
  6. Results can be limited by searching for a specific phrase. To search by a phrase, enclose the words in quotes. Do a search for “Bauhaus Dessau.” Make sure to reset your image size to “All Image Sizes.” Your results should include images of the Bauhaus Dessau. Dessau, Germany was the location of the Bauhaus from 1925-1932.
    Click on one of the images from your search to bring up the Image Results page. Notice ‘Images may be subject to copyright.’ at the bottom of this page. We do not know if we have permissions to use or alter this image. Would using it for a school project fall under Educational Fair Use?
    Refining your results by using search phrases
    Here the search is refined to Bauhaus Dessau
  7. Click on one of the images from your search to bring up the Image Results page. Notice ‘Images may be subject to copyright.’ at the bottom of this page. We do not know if we have permissions to use or alter this image. Would using it for a school project fall under Educational Fair Use?
    Copyright information in the lower left portion of the screen
    Copyright information
  8. Click on the ‘View image’ button to the right of the image to load the full resolution image in its own window.
    Bauhaus at full resolution
    Bauhaus at full resolution
  9. Download the file by dragging it to your desktop, clicking File>Save, or right-clicking the image and choosing Save Image As. Save the file in a location on your Hard Drive that will be easy to locate. The desktop or documents folders are typical storage locations for short working sessions. You do not need to turn this image in with your chapter work.
    Image shows 'save As feature'
    Saving your image to the desktop


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Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with Adobe Creative Cloud Copyright © by xtine burrough & Michael Mandiberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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