Chapter 2: Searching and Sampling – Becoming an Expert Web User
2.4 Exercise 4: Searching and using Creative Commons or Public Domain work for your projects
For this exercise, you will be conducting a search through Creative Commons for an open licensed or creative commons licensed image. Your topic to search for is “dragonfruit”.
- Go to the Creative Commons Search Portal at
- For your search query word, enter dragonfruit
- Choose Wikipedia Commons as your search engine.
- Click the Search button to run your search.
- Choose a photo from the list of results. Explore this page. See if you can find various image resolutions/sizes to download and the image copyright information.
Example of a search result for “Sunflowers” on Wikimedia Commons Choose an image by clicking on the resolution size desired. Now right click on the image and save to your desktop or chapter folder. This is the image you would use for a project. There are no restrictions on the image so you may reuse, remix and recycle it!
- You also need to record the copyright information for your records. This proves you have permissions to use the image if needed. Create a new text document and record each of these things on it:
- name of the image
- name of the image creator
- web link [url] to the image and CC copyright information
If this was for an actual job, the image and the licensing information document would go in your folder for your client’s project.
- The image file will have a name or number such as sunflowers13.jpg or 17569038574747-23434.jpg. Don’t rename it. Name your text file CC-lastname.txt [or .rtf or .doc]. Place both of these files in your Chapter 2 folder and turn them in.
“Digital Foundations – Intro to Media Design” by Xtine Burroughs and Michael Mandiberg is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 / This is a derivative from the original work. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike unless otherwise noted.