
When to use Body Physics

Body Physics was designed to meet the objectives of a one-term high school or freshman level course in physical science, typically designed to provide non-science majors and undeclared students with exposure to the most basic principles in physics while fulfilling a science-with-lab core requirement.   The content level is aimed at students taking their first college science course, whether or not they are planning to major in science.  However, with minor supplementation by other resources, such as OpenStax College Physics,  this textbook could easily be used as the primary resource in 200-level introductory courses. Chapters that may be more appropriate for physics courses than for general science courses are noted with an asterisk symbol (*).  Of course this textbook could be used to supplement other primary resources in any physics course covering mechanics and thermodynamics. The following are an example course description and course outcomes (learner outcomes, learning objectives, etc.) for which Body Physics would be well aligned (see unit outcomes for alignment to course outcomes indicated by [#]):


Elementary concepts of physics including motion, forces, energy and momentum, and thermodynamics. Registration-Enforced Prerequisite MTH 060. 3 lecture, 3 lab hrs/wk.

  1. Apply knowledge of the SI units, metric prefixes, and unit conversion factors in solving physics problems.
  2. Analyze, rank, compare, and make predictions about qualitative physics scenarios involving motion, forces, energy, momentum and thermodynamics.
  3. Analyze and solve quantitative physics problems involving motion, forces, energy, momentum and thermodynamics.
  4. Demonstrate proficiency with laboratory equipment, computer software, and experimental procedures for gathering, recording, analyzing and graphing data.
  5. Apply the basic scientific method.


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Body Physics: Motion to Metabolism Copyright © by Lawrence Davis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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